
Tuesday, August 13, 2019

I’m still here.


Yes I’m still here.

I know it’s been a little over 2 years. I know some of you might have thought oh I guess she’s done blogging, but I’m not!

Long story short….. A little over two years ago I started to get some pain in my lower back. It was really starting to get bad and I went to my primary care doctor and we did just about every test you could think of and the last test that I had was a CAT scan and that test showed that my cancer had returned. Just when my life was pretty much back to perfect, my treatment started all over again. This time it has spread to my skull, my ribs and my spine. I went through chemotherapy again, and massive doses of radiation.

I won’t go into all the details but I will tell you that I was extremely sick this time around. The cancer affected my eyesight, and I could only see double vision in my left eye for about eight months. I couldn’t watch TV, I couldn’t read, I couldn’t really function very well at all. I was vomiting profusely for months, which prompted a few visits to the hospital. It really was much worse this time than it was when I had the breast cancer in 2015.

Fast forward to this month, and although I have horrible back pain which limits my mobility and my ability to stand for very long, I’m managing it. I’m finally able to get back in the kitchen and pick up my beloved camera which sat on the shelf for way too long. I’ll have new recipes coming very soon. I’ve missed this little blogging community, although I have still have been posting on my Facebook page and sharing recipes from the past it’s time to get some new ones going. So that’s where I’ve been and I’m so excited to be back.

I’m stable. I’m staying positive. I’m taking my life back little by little, one step at a time. I’d love it if you continued to join me on this new journey.