
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I'm gonna need a bigger shelf

I am obsessed with a new cookbook.

I swore I was done buying cookbooks. I have a shelf full that spans across half of my spare room. I convinced myself that I would cook from the books I already have. I did not need another cookbook…I have no room for another cookbook….but…I wanted another one. Just one more. Baking…From my Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan. I had seen so many of her recipes on the food blogs I read, and they all looked so fantastic.

I needed this cookbook. I had a Borders gift card in my wallet, just calling out to me…”Go buy that cookbook.” “You need it…it needs you” “Your family and friends will be forever grateful for all the culinary delicacies you will create from it” “BUY IT”. How could I ignore the voices in my purse?

I have been reading it like a novel for days now. I sit at the edge of the couch with my cuppa tea, post-it notes in hands, tagging all the delicious wonderment I see before me. I take it and read it in bed, and let me tell ya, it’s no paperback. This is a weighty and heavy book. I dragged it to work with me so I could go over some of the recipes during lunch. What should make first?? Cake? Pie? Cookies? Crumble? My brain is in recipe overload.

I think I have narrowed it down to three I will make this weekend. We are going to have a little cookout for Memorial Day. Plenty of folks to test the new recipes out on.

Oh yes new cookbook, you and I are going to become very close indeed.


  1. You will love, love, love baking with Dorie. It's possibly my favorite cookbook. So many delicious recipes to try, the hardest part is deciding where to start.

  2. We swore that a long time ago too, but still keep buying. We are slowing down now because we want to go through all the ones we already have!
    Yes, many bloggers ahve been raving about this book. Glad you finally got it!
