
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Three Cheese Quiche

I know I haven't posted in a while. It's been kind of a lazy week. Evan and I decided to re-read The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Moms if you don't have this book, go buy it. You will not be disappointed. I cry every time I read it. We spent almost every night on the couch, legged crossed over each other, reading. A few nights we had some heavy downpours which made our nights on the couch even more enjoyable. Jesse even popped in and listened a few times, although he would never admit it.

Summer vacation is winding down and I'm longing to spend more time with the boys before the hectic return to school begins and my nights are full of lunch packing, and homework checking. Evan started soccer this week so his schedule will have us at soccer fields most Saturday mornings. I'm already thinking up snacks for the team. I can't wait.

This recipe is from my personal fishmonger. He’s not technically a fishmonger but he’s a guy I’ve been working with for the past 25 years who has a big boat and catches lots of fish and has graciously shared with me for many years. He lovingly calls me his Chia-Pet. We often swap recipes, not fish related even. He shared this one with me a while back and kept insisting I make it. He kept telling me I wouldn’t believe how it makes a crust out of nothing. I wanted to wait until the garden tomatoes were ready. This week I picked a bowlful of cherry tomatoes and let them get good and red on the window sill. Although I don't like raw tomatoes, yes I know a Sicilian who doesn't like tomatoes, I do like them baked.

Three Cheese Quiche
Printable recipe
1 1/2 cups cheddar cheese, shredded
1 tablespoon flour
4 ounces Monterey Jack, shredded
4 ounces Swiss, shredded
6 eggs
½ cup half & half
1 small tomato, diced
6 slices cooked crumbled bacon
fresh basil, chopped

Preheat the oven to 350. You don’t need to spray it. I know you might think its nuts to not spray the plate you are making a quiche in, but trust me, don’t spray it. Place cheddar and flour in pie plate and mix lightly with you fingers.

Here's what it looked like before it went in the oven:

Add the Monterey Jack & Swiss and gently mix with your fingers again. Beat the eggs with the ½ and ½ until frothy. Pour over top. Place the tomato & bacon on top of the mixture and then sprinkle with fresh basil. Bake for 40 minutes or until top is golden brown.

I used a combination some Red Rubin & Italian basil in this.
I should have listened and made his recipe much sooner.
I had a piece for lunch, and it was delicious.

1 comment:

  1. I love that book, too. Have you read The Tale of Despereaux? Both so good.
