
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Oh the guts, the carnage, the knives, the gadgets, the seeds, the GOOP!

Tonight was pumpkin carvin' night with Gram G and Grampa Bub.

Oh did we have fun.

Jesse took the carving very seriously. He sketched and planned...

....and took his time drawing his face on
and carving.

Grampa Bub kept his a secret until the very end.

John was just being a total goof, as usual.

I told him he looks like a toothless old geezer in this pic.

Evan and I usually work on a pumpkin together.
This is this year's creation.

We call him Chester.

This is Grampa Bub's pumpkin who we named "Stink Eye".
He's sad isn't he??

We couldn't help but laugh when we saw him.

Here's Jesse's "Domo" pumpkin. Apparently Domo is a Japanese character that is all the rage with 13 year olds.

We had a creepy good time!

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