
Saturday, May 30, 2009


This is Maelyn.

Maelyn up closee

Just look at that gorgeous face.

Maelyn chair3

She is the daughter of my friends Steve and Tammy.

I just can't get over how adorable this child is.

She had a big blue balloon tethered to her wrist. It was her 3rd balloon of the day and she wasn't lettin' it get away.

Maelyn balloon

We went on a dandelion hunt after she saw the picture of one on my camera and asked "What flower is that?". I told her it was the kind of flower that you blow on and make a wish with and she looked up at me and in the sweetest little voice you can imagine said "Oh let's go find one!". So off we went.

Maelyn chair2

Maelyn chair

We looked all over for one, but as luck may have it, we couldn't find a single "puffy" one. So we sent Evan off to hunt for one. Meanwhile Maelyn did find a dandelion in our yard.

Maelyn flower1

"A yellow flower!" she said as she picked it up and smelled it.

Maelyn flower

I didn't dare tell her it was a dandelion too, that would have been way too confusing for a 2 year old.

Evan came through and found the one lone dandelion over in a vacant field. Maelyn was thrilled. So thrilled in fact that in her excitment, she let that dandelion get a little too close to her mouth.

Half that dandelion ended up in her mouth!

We had to pick out those little dandelion helicopters, but then she was good to go and off she went blowing away every last helicopter off the half that was left.

Did you make a wish?
"Yes!" she said.
"Don't tell me or it won't come true" I told her.
"Okay" she happily obliged.

Maelyn dandy1

Maelyn dandy3

Maelyn dandy2

Oh to be two again when all it took to make a great day was a big blue balloon, a little yellow flower and a dandelion to wish on.

Maelyn balloon cu


  1. What a beautiful child and a wonderful post.

  2. She's adorable! Oh to have my kids that age again!

  3. She's just beautiful. I would love to return to that time of innocence once in a while.

  4. You can imagine what this post does to my heart. Thanks for sharing your time with Maelyn with us...

  5. She is beautiful. Thanks for the story seen through the eyes of a two year old.

