
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Garden Giveaway

This is a very impromptu giveaway. I saw this beautiful garden tile and I just knew I had to have it to brighten up my fence in the backyard. It’s really a gorgeous work of art. So gorgeous in fact that I picked up two so I could give one away and let someone else enjoy one too.

Think of this as a laid back, no worries, feel good giveaway. I saw something I really liked and thought...hey someone else might like this too. So if you're like me and you like this....

Garden Giveaway1

...then leave me a comment and you might have it for your very own.

Garden Giveaway2

There are nice sturdy hooks on the back so you can hang this just about anywhere, or you could just lean it up against something in your garden.
The little birdhouse and the bird are 3 dimensional...too cute.

Garden Giveaway

Wait..what to say??

That's easy...tell me what you love best about the summer.
Is it the weather, or the cookouts?
All the fresh fruits and veggies?

That's all there is to it.

Oh to everyone, even those overseas. I'll do a random number pick on Monday, June 8th by 8pm. Good luck!


  1. I love that tile! It's cute!!!!

    Not sure what to pick out of alllllll the things I love about summer! Watermelon, warm sun, beauty of the flowers...

  2. What do I love about summer? Well, that's hard because I really don't like summer at all. Fall is my absolute favourite season and summer is something to get through on the way to fall. If i have to pick something I suppose it would be fresh cherries, fresh peaches, and fresh corn. Still not worth the price of the hot weather, but good things aftr all.

  3. I love the warm weather and sunny days and gardening. When you live in upstate New York you really appreciate nice warm toasty days.

  4. Love the tile. Very cute. I love bbqs with friends.

  5. I love the farmers markets and all the fresh fruits and veggies to be had!

  6. I love the grilling and fresh veggies! Walking tonight with my daughter after dinner was awesome! Bunnies were running around wild and frogs were singing!

  7. You can skip me, I wouldn't have anywhere to display your pretty tile, but I wanted to say what a nice thing it is to do!

  8. I have an aviary with canaries in my backyard, and that beautiful tile would look great right next to it. I love summer fruits, BBQs, fresh tomatoes off the vine, and the relaxed feeling when the kids are out of school and you can just have family time.

  9. Summer to me is watching my kids be care-free, enjoying my garden, BBQ's and lemonade, air-conditioning and celebrating my oldest son's birthday.

  10. I love all the fresh produce at the farmers markets!

  11. Summer nights. That's my favorite part about summer. That warm weather brings back so many good memories.

    oh my, those madeleines look fabulous. i've been looking for a good recipe.

  12. That is gorgeous. I would love for you to say where you found it after you pick a winner. :)

    What I like about summer: I am off work for ten weeks. :D

  13. I love days at the beach, evening concerts in the park and fresh vegetables from my own little garden. I enjoy your blog and wonderful recipes!

  14. The best thing about summer is the sun. I feel so much healthier and happier when I have some vitamin D in me. Apart from that, this year my summer love is gardening.

  15. I posted the anonymous comment above and forgot to identify myself - sorry!

  16. I love getting dirt under my finger nails... gardening of course, planting up the flowers & veggies. I absolutely love watching everything coming into bloom and then sitting on the garden bench taking in all the wonderful scents of the flowers surrounding me! And... of course the bounty from the vegetable garden.

    Also love entertaining outdoors w/family & friends, BBQ'ing and cool drinks ;-)

  17. Everything! Fresh veggies, especially!! That tile is so cute. I have a perfect little fence to hang it on.

  18. Hey lisa!

    Wow do you have some good taste!! That is the cutest tile I think I have ever seen!! Always love your blog :) I would love to win this tile :D

    Vanessa :)
    Bears Banners
