
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Independence Day.

Taking a few days off to relax and be a lazy bum.
I've got some cooking to do for the 4th, but not too, too much.

The 4th of July is about grillin' and chillin' after all, so I'm going to take advantage of the lounge chair in the yard and actually lounge
in it for a change. John is the grillmaster, so all I have to worry about is sides and some fabulous desserts.

I plan on catching up on my reading, working a bit in the garden,
and spending some long nights with my family and friends by the fire pit.

I might even throw in a Margarita or two.

Enjoy your festivities.

Our yard 2009-9

Happy 4th!


  1. Have a great weekend with the fam!

  2. I have off on the 4th, don't know how that happened! We're having a picnic so I will get to relax a little. Have a great weekend!

  3. I hope you had a nice 4th of July! I just got home from a fireworks show. It was great. :)
