
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Right now...

In my mug:
Hot tea with honey

In my belly:
Corn flakes and blueberries from breakfast.

In the CD Player – Pink~Funhouse
Favorite lines:
Have you ever wished for an endless night?
Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight.

On my feet:
Thick socks & pu-puns (that's what we call slippers)

On my fingers:
Big rings – I’m infatuated.

big ring

On the nightstand:
Just finished – John Lennon – The Life by Philip Norman (864 pgs, phew)
Thanks Jules!
Just started - Omnivores Dilemma – Pollan (finally, I was a slow poke with this one)

In the oven:
Lemon Butter Cookies

In the dryer:
Laundry for me to fold. Ugh.

On the table:
Seed catalogs and planning strategies for this years garden.

On the table a half hour ago:


In my camera:
974 pictures

In the fridge:
Chicken Enchiladas for dinner.

Filling my day with laughter:

Evan laughing

Jesse smirking


  1. OMG you just reminded me to fold the laundry!

  2. so many similarities here! you had a full day, but very enjoyable sounding day - minus the laundry, which i have officially deemed my nemesis!

  3. Liked this post a lot. It's real. Our days are full of so many things. Good to notice the details!

  4. you made me smile - thanks.

    love your rings - do you by any chance know where i can get "worry ring"? perhaps one that would sit well on a thumb?

    any chance you would post the lemon butter cookie recipe? :)

    thanks again.

  5. Love your more personal posts Lisa. *Big hug*

  6. Lisa@The Cutting Edge of OrdinaryFebruary 17, 2010 at 6:35 AM

    Thanks all, I'll be posting that lemon butter cookie recipe soon.

  7. Your Wednesday sounded lovely, simply lovely....

    And your pound cake cupcakes - YUM!

  8. can i steal this? well, not rip off your answers, but you know post my own?

    i linked to you today and your amazing recipes, i hope you don't mind. just looking at your photos makes me hungry.

  9. Of course you can steal it. Now I can't wait to see your "right now".

    Thanks again for your kind words and link. I posted over on your blog to thank you again.
