
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hey there....



How's things in your neck of the woods?

Oh that was so Al Roker of me?

I apologize.

I'm here. I've been slacking off posting in the cooking and baking department a bit lately, I know. Even my mother has commented on it. "Aren't you going to post recipes anymore?" Don't worry. Recipes are just around the corner.

The nice weather is here, and we take full advantage of it. Lot's of time spent outdoors, easy dinners on the grill, relaxing after supper, doing a bit of reading under the gazebo, or some weeding once the heat of the day is over.

Let me catch you up a little. Pull up a chair. Grab some lemonade. Sit back and relax.

Here's a little bit of what we've been up to.

Spending time with family and friends, celebrating important days.

Jesse's 15th.....

Birthday Boy with cake

...he got some tickets to see Weird Al.

Biethday boy tickets

I said "Are you excited about the tickets?" and he said "Yes, I really am but somehow I can't seem to fully express it at this moment". That cracked me up.

Let me tell you if you want to be "the" party giver of the century at your teenagers party here's two things you can do to ensure it's success.

1) Nacho Bar

Birthday boy at Nacho bar

What kid doesn't like nachos? None of the ones at my house that's for sure.

2) Ice Cream Sundae Bar

The Sundae Bar was a HUGE hit. We had it a few times last year and the kids just beg for it at every party. Here's some goopy creations.



The kids all had a great time running around burning off all that ice cream.

Sara, Ryan, Evan

Jesse had a great time counting his birthday moolah.

Birthday Boy

I've been taking some pictures.

I've been watching my flowers bloom and grown.


Just chillin' out a bit and letting everything kinda just flow.

I've been keeping and eye on that vicious attack dog of ours.

He's always on guard and ready.

Guard Dog

Oh and I have been cooking. Just haven't had the time to sit in front of the screen and actually post about it, but here's a sneak peek at what's coming up.

Baked Penne with Cheddar and Leeks.

Roasted Potatoes and Artichokes.

Pierogi Style Stuffed Shells.

As my cousin pointed out to me...that's a lot of starch. Don't worry, I didn't make, and we didn't eat all that starchy goodness in one was two, lol.

Metal Mushroon


Hope you are enjoying the nice weather in your little corner of the world.

Get out there and get some fresh air.

Let the sun shine down on your face.

Smell some flowers.

Hang out with the people you love and just be. Talk. Connect.

Look at something beautiful.

Purple wicker

Be back in a just a bit with some chow.


  1. I'm waiting (tapping finger impatiently) for the Baked Penne recipe. Sounds fabulous!

  2. Happy birthday to your boy. My brother just turned 15 last month. I'll have to keep the nacho/sundae bar in mind for next year.

  3. What a happy post! Happy birthday to your son. My son was about 15 when he got to see Weird Al in concert, too!

  4. Mmmm Those nachos look awesome!! :)

  5. *sigh* i love coming to visit you.

    in a way this makes me feel better about the girls getting older, though they are "girls" not cool dudes like yours....

  6. So much fun! The kids all look like they had a great time, and isn't that what family (and birthdays) are all about! Hope it was a great one for your son.
