
Monday, January 10, 2011

What I'm loving right now....

Each Christmas my parents give us money so that we can go and get whatever we like. Most of the time it's spent on something for the house, but this year we decided to take some of it and buy this beautiful bird feeder and some seed.

Birdfeeder 13jpg

I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see dozens and dozens of birds at this feeder. It's positioned directly across from my kitchen sink so I get to watch the birds (and squirrels) while I wash. Makes me happy.

Get ready for lots of bird pics. I can feel it coming!

The second thing I bought was this adorable tea cozy from Kate at KnitStorm on Etsy. Have I ever mentioned that I could sit in front of my computer like a zombie and stare at Etsy for like 16 hours straight....or more. I think I may have.

Tea Cozy

As most of you know I love my cuppa tea and this homemade knit cozy keeps my cup piping hot.

She even hand stitched the little tea tag. Adorable!

Tea Cozy CU

I love it! Thank you Kate!

Another Etsy purchase was this primitive cupid from Lex at NorthWind Star Primitives. She makes the most beautiful stuff. I went back to make a link for this post and ended up buying two more things. I couldn't resist!


Just look at the details. Lex is a true artist. Beautiful!

Cupid 1

Another thing that I'm totally loving right now is this jar of Tupelo Honey. My friend Eva gave it to me for Christmas. See, one of my most favorite songs on earth is Tupelo Honey by Van Morrison. Eva saw this honey and thought of me. How sweet is that? I have the best friends.

Tupelo Honey

Wanna hear something cool about Tupelo Honey?

Tupelo honey never crystallizes. Harvested for only a few days in April, it is one of the rarest and most valuable honeys in the world.

That's right...I said THE WORLD people.

How cool is that?

Let me tell you, it melts on your tongue, just melts. I had to stop myself from downing the whole jar. I'm going to try and ration it!

Wish me luck!


  1. Back in Minneapolis, I had several bird feeders (and squirrel stations...yes, I'm one of the few that doesn't hate the squirrels.) I LOVED watching the Cardinals, chickadees, and woodpeckers swoop in all day long. It is by far one of the things I miss the most now that we're back in CA suburbia. Sigh.

    And I share your love of honey. I've never had Tupelo honey, though. Clearly I am missing out!

  2. Last Christmas, my brother bought me the very same brand of Tupelo honey. I loved it! I found some in San Francisco, last month, and I scooped it up. It's great! You just reminded to go and fill up our bird feeders. It's lovely to watch them. Happy winter!
