
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Who Am I?

Who I am

My friend Jen at Under the Big Blue Sky inspires me all the time.

If you haven't checked out her blog, you are truly missing out. Jen's photography is breathtaking and her writing will touch your soul and make you think. I'm always so in awe at the way her writing just seems to flow so naturally and easy. I find myself nodding my head in agreement at her words, or laughing out loud at her wittiness.

She is inspirational.

Over the past year or so we have discovered we have lots in common and that was confirmed even more so when I read her blog post
Who Am I?

Jen's 9 year old daughter wrote an essay in school. Jen took that essay and applied it to her life. Brilliant. I took and ran with it. If you read Jen's essay you'll notice that some of the lines are exactly the same.

I told you we have a lot in common.

I am the mother of two teenage boys. I am a wife to a remarkable husband. I am a true friend. To my brothers I am the older sister. I am the only daughter-in-law my in-laws have. My mother would call me a daughter who is "Mother Earth", something she's called me for a long time. My Dad would say I am predictable and sensible. My kids would say I'm always in the kitchen. I was a good student. Art was my favorite subject. I am a granddaughter and for over 30 years a great-granddaughter. I am very serious about the photography part of my life.

My friends would tell me I am creative and centered and throw a heck of a party. My mother would say I am crafty and speak my mind. My boss would say I am a multi-tasker and have a sympathetic ear. My husband would tell me I am the love of his life. Hung the moon and painted the stars. To me I am a mother, baker, cook, crafter, gardener and photographer. Also, I think I’m pretty empathetic.

Here are some things I like. I love warm bread with butter and hot homemade soup. I love getting lost in a really good book. Some people know my favorite colors are green and deep purple, good solid colors. I like being outside. I love to garden. I love the feel of dirt in my fingernails. In spring I like to watch the birds at the feeder. In summer I like to be in front of the fire pit, surrounded by family and friends. I like long flowing skirts and flip-flops. I like to paint my toenails bright red. In fall I like to make pies and fill the kitchen up with delicious things from the oven. October is my favorite month. In winter I like staying inside wrapped up in blankets with hot tea and my dog curled up at my toes. I wear very little to no makeup. My hair could have its own zip code. The Beatles are the soundtrack of my life. I love beautiful photographs that make you feel just by looking. I love deep red strawberries and fresh figs, I always have.

by Lisa, 11 days short of turning 47.


  1. Awwww, Lisa. Thank you! You are so kind. I loved reading this. It's so nice to get a peek into people's lives.

    I especially like the hair having it's own zip code part, lol.

    You are right, so alike. I have to tell you that when I first found your blog I was in awe of you, now I am so glad to call you friend.

  2. You forgot about your being so lovely and kick-ass. Oh wait, that's my addition. Adore you. To pieces.

    Jen has a great site - love that picture of her and her daughter. Fun.

  3. October is my favorite month, too. And I loved this:

    "my favorite colors are green and deep purple, good solid colors."

    Good, solid colors. Yes. Green, purple, blue. :D

    Loved reading this and getting even more of a feel for who you are. ♥

  4. Well, this is just a love-fest for me because I am a true blue follower of both you and Jennifer (whom you introduced me to, so btw thank you!)

    As much as I love your cooking, I have to admit, I love it even more when you share a peek inside your life. You are possibly the most authentic food blogger this side of the Atlantic. And of course your mom calls you "Mother Earth!" You are so young (I can say this since I'm your senior by a half-year) but you embody such a beautiful old soul.

    I hope you're still writing on The Cutting Edge of Ordinary when you're 100. I know I will still be reading. Yep, that's what "Cutting Edge Readers" would say about you.

  5. Sounds like you just wrote your "About Me" page - without even trying.

    It made me smile.
    Thanks for that :)
