
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sharing Rocks

John's home from work on vacation this week. He has so much vacation time that he has to use it up cause he just keep accruing more and more....bastard. Anyway, he calls me at work today and says:

"You got three packages in the mail".

"Three? From who?"

"One from my Mom, one from Aunt Becky, and one from Cali-forn-i-a".

Yes he said Cali-forn-i-a. Whoooo Hoooo. Presents from Mom & Becky for my birthday (no not today). I knew the one from Cali had to be from Diane & Todd at White on Rice Couple. I was right. They sent me some beautiful rosemary. The smell is unbelievable! I also got some tangerines and a very special juicy naval orange, all grown in their very own yard. Lucky me!!

I already have thoughts swirling around in my head for using the rosemary. The orange & tangernies will be snackage for me! Yum!
Thank you guys so much. I'm so glad I found you two through this crazy internet thing! Like your card said.....thanks for the Happy California Sunshine!


  1. So glad they arrived quickly. We weren't sure if the rosemary would arrive in time for you to refrigerate them, before they dried out.
    Hope you enjoy the fruit and hopefully the little spider that was on the fruit didn't make it to you. We tried to "shoo" it off before we put the tangerines in the box.
    We'll be getting another box of the spices to you later. The fruit was ready to be sent ASAP, so the spices we wanted to send didn't make it in this box. :)
    Thanks too and when is your B-day?
