
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

School Daze

This is the first year that I haven’t taken the first day of school off since the boys started kindergarten. It feels so strange. There are certain days throughout the year that I have just always made sure that I wasn’t working. The first day of school was always one of them. I walked down to the bus stop with them; I waited by the curb for their bus in the afternoon. I made sure there were always warm cookies waiting for them. I couldn’t wait to hear about their teachers and classmates.

This year they will both attend Junior High. No more kids in middle school *sniff*. No more being a teacher’s helper in the classroom. They will both be out the door and on the bus before I even leave for work. I was informed that I didn’t need to accompany them to the bus stop. “Please Mom – Don’t”. Ok, ok I get the hint.

Halloween is another day that I always take off. I make a spooky supper, and special treats and then we all go treat-or-treating. This year I’m not so sure my 13 yr old will want us to accompany him. This makes me sad. My boys are growing up. Needing me less and less and it truly aches my heart.

Jesse - 1st day of Kindergarten

I’m no longer allowed to pick out Jesse’s school clothes. His wardrobe consists almost entirely of black band t-shirts, jeans or camo pants, (never shorts!) and Tony Hawk sneakers. He’s growing his hair out so he has the “surfer look”. He takes 20 minute showers and spends more time in the bathroom fussing with his hair then I ever have. After 15 minutes of hearing the blow dryer every morning I will finally crack, open the door and say “Come on, you don’t even have that much hair to dry!”

Evan 1st Day of Kindergarten.

Evan is still holding out for me, bless his heart. At this moment in time he still lets me pick out his clothes, could care less what sneakers he wears, has a neat and tidy buzz cut and his goal is to take the shortest shower possible."Did you even use the soap Evan??”

My babies are growing up too fast.

I happy to say that I still get goodnight kisses, and hugs and I still get “I love you’s” before they head off to bed.

I hope that never changes.


  1. OMG please don't tell me that's reality, it makes me sad just thinking about it. But I guess if they were holding on to you begging not to leave, that would be a whole other set of problems.

  2. i think you have summed up junior high boys really well... i swear your sons and my sons are the same boys down to the hair, clothes and shower situation.

  3. Oh how super touching! The boys are all grown up and becoming independent young men. But Lisa, you sure did do a good job in raising them. They definitely look like fine boys.

    LOL! And your man John needs you still! Can't wait to meet up with you guys one day.
