
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring/Birthday Giveaway

Giveaway - bunny cu

Spring, spring, spring! Although, not my favorite of the seasons (that would be autumn), you are a welcome sign after a long New England winter. This past weekend I dug in the dirt and got my hands dirty, used muscles that have laid dormant since last spring (those raking muscles sure do ache the next day), basked in the sunshine, planted seedlings, looked through seed catalogs and dreamt, made lists of all the veggies I want to plant, and mapped out my garden plans for 2009. Hopefully it will be a very fruitful and vegiful year!

Today is my birthday and I can't think of a better way to celebrate it than to have a giveaway. I'm one of those people who really, truly loves to give more than receive, so give I shall. Over the past few weeks I've been shopping for all things springy. I came up with few gifts, some for the kitchen and some just for fun. Here's what's up for grabs:

This cute rustic wooden bunny:

Giveaway - bunny
He's got ridiculously cute ears that even wiggle. You could hang him on your door, or a garden fence, or even your mailbox.

I’m also giving away these adorable salt & pepper shakers. One bunny and one chick. How cute would they look on your Easter table?

Giveaway collage SP

Haven’t had enough cuteness?? How about this set of 6 muffin pots. That’s what I call them anyway. I use them for so many things…..I make desserts in them, put salt or pepper in them or use them as dippin' bowls. I've made mini breads in them, pudding, cupcakes, the possibilities are endless. I just love them.

Giveaway - muffin cups side

Giveaway muffin cups SD

Last but not least I have this cookbook complied by a local company in Rhode Island. I bought 2 copies last year knowing I would give one away as a gift. It’s like one of those church cookbooks where you find all the best tried and true recipes. Those kinds of cookbooks are my favorites! It’s packed full of great recipes.

Giveaway cookbook

How do I win all these spectacular prizes you ask? All you have to do is leave a comment. Well what on earth would I say to get myself entered?

Here let me give you a question.

What’s your favorite vegetable to eat straight outta the garden?

A big fat juicy tomato? Some rhubarb with a little sugar sprinkled on it? (that was always my favorite) or is it fresh berries straight off the vine? Whatever it is, let me know in your comment and your entered….that’s it.

Enter once only please, don’t be a comment hog or I’ll kick your keister out, and I so don’t want to do that, but I will if I have too!

Deadline for entries is Friday, March 27th at midnight, EST.
Please leave an email address for contact if you don't have a blog.

Giveaway is open to everyone whether you're in the USA or Zimbabwe...I'll ship anywhere.

Winner will be picked using the random number generator.

Oh yeah and one more thing that I can't stress enough....grow something! Make 2009 the year that you start that garden you always talked about. It's easier than you think. No matter where you live, or how small your space, you can plant, grow and eat something good!


  1. Happy Birthday! Today is my son's 9th Birthday as well!

    What awesome prizes...

    My favorite garden tem to eat...tomatoes off the vine!

    Have a great day.

  2. Happy Birthday!

    I have two favorites, and I can't possibly choose just one, and eating them together is double the fresh-outta-the-garden pleasure! Peas...oh how I love thee, popped into my mouth one by sweet one. And, just pulled out of the dirt, washed off with the hose Carrots....oh heaven!

    I don't have a garden but I sure wish I did...maybe a little patch in the back yard this year =)

  3. Happy Birthday Lisa! Mr. made brownies the other night and crisped the edge. I hate crispy edges but he likes them. As I ate everything but the edge I thought of you and your edge pan. :)

    I am growing a garden this year w/ every veggie I can get into it and some herbs too!

    My favorite is a warm tomato w/ a dash of salt on it. Mmm!

  4. First of all, what a fantastic giveaway! The list just kept going and going! Now for the question! I LOVE gardening. Since we are all crafters (or artists) in this circle, can I venture away from the question a bit (aren't we known for bending the rules a bit?)? My favorite thing fresh out of the garden is salsa! I always grow a salsa garden. I grow cilantro, onions, tomatoes, and then steal limes from my Mom's fruit trees! I can even get avocados from my BFFs parents trees to turn it into guacamole! I haven't grown my own garlic yet, however. I must try this because you can't have a delish salsa with out garlic! OK, now to make sure that my answer counts, my absolute fav, if I have to pick one (it's like picking a favorite among your children) would have to be tomatoes. I grow different kinds every year. Right now I'm already harvesting tomatoes from my garden (one of the perks of living in the desert is that my garden can survive year round! These tomato plants are ones that I planted from seed Jan 2008! I've got new ones started for this year, but wont rip the old ones out until the new ones are producing!).

  5. I love cucumbers, either sliced with a little salt & pepper or sprinkled with vinegar. Or if it's close to lunch there's nothing better than a fresh cucumber sandwich, yum!

  6. Happy Birthday - ...

    My favorite - carrots - yummy.

    Great blog - I've been a lurker - until now.

  7. Definitely tomatoes. Warm from the sun - there's nothing better. Also I love carrots. They are much sweeter when they are taken straighten from the garden !


  8. What cute prizes!! My favorite garden veggie is the tomato--eaten as soon as it is picked!

  9. My favorite veggie right out of the garden is carrots. Nothing like a fresh sweet carrot right out of the ground.

  10. Since tomato seems to be the overall winner freshly eaten out of the garden...I will submit my second favorite...bell pepper...for some reason the flavor just pop more when it's still warm from the sun!

  11. Happy Birthday! Wishing you many more wonderful years!
    I love to eat asparagus. Yum, the fresh young sprouts right out of the ground. So tender and crunchy. It wont be long and I can enjoy that again! I always plant a big garden. Springtime is here, YEA!

  12. Happy Birthday!
    How sweet of you to offer such wonderful treats to your readers! I love those muffin cups!

    I adore munching right from the garden, and my favorites are sugar peas and cherry tomatoes...ohhhhh cherry tomatoes, I do love you so.


  13. Happy B-Day! I love the goodies you are giving away. My favoirte hands down is STRAWBERRIES. Red, juicey, plump strawberries. My mouth is watering right now.

  14. Cherry tomatoes!! Ummm

  15. Happy Birthday Lisa!!
    My favorite veggies to eat straight out of the garden are my Uncle John's beefsteak tomatoes--they are so sweet and delicious.
    There's just nothing like a Jersey tomato.

  16. Happy Birthday!! We are lucky enough to live where we have winter gardens and summer gardens. So my favorite summer garden item is tomatoes and my winter is broccoli. Have a fantastic birthday!

  17. Hi Lisa - Happy Birthday!
    OK, let's see - I have two favorites. The first is just popping those sungold yellow cherry tomatoes off the vine as I'm digging in the dirt. They taste as sweet as candy. The second one takes a bit more effort. Pick the beet, peel, grate with the widest size grate, drizzle with some olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper - really good and fresh.
    Happy planting Lisa!

  18. Happy Birthday!

    I LOVE homemade local cookbooks. That would be so great.

    My favorite veggie to eat while sitting in the garden are green beans. I like 'em better raw than cooked!

  19. Happy Birthday, I love all the prizes but the wooden bunny tickles my fancy! I love eating tomatoes from the garden, a ripe tomato in one hand and the salt shaker in the other! I have convinced hubby to have a garden this yr! I went out and bought seeds after I read your last post!! I'm sooooo excited!!

  20. my absolute favorite of all is peas!

  21. I just found your blog, and I have searched thru older posts. I can't wait to try some of the deserts on here, DELICIOUS. Especially your dads favorite Custard Pie, YUM, mine too.

  22. mines definitely a tomato as well.



    zekks at yahoo dot com

    I will have a garden again this year. I grow walla walla onions, tomatoes, english cucumbers, herbs, peppers, squash, birdhouse gourds, and swiss chard. My favorite would be tomatoes, but love to dice/chop tomatoes, onions, peppers, and cucumbers fresh for a salad. Salt, pepper and a little oil and lemon.

  24. Sugar snap peas! So crunchy and sweet and delicious.

    Happy Birthday! and Happy Gardening!

  25. Fantastic!!!
    There's so many fresh veggies to choose from...Let me see, I believe one of them would be 'Swiss Chard' another would have to be fresh 'String Beans' Tender from the garden in a Bean Salad with garlic and oil...
    Here's hoping you have a Plentiful Garden this year...
    My Best To You...Marilyn

  26. I love tomatoes. Great give away.

  27. Happy Birthday!!
    I am joining the masses on this one...nothing beats a big juicy tomato fresh off the vine!!
    Yummy stuff :)

  28. Cucumbers! I just love 'em.

  29. happy birthday!! i love your blog and am always really hungry after reading it!

    i know they're not vegetables, but my favorite garden are berries - strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, anyberries!

  30. Happy Birthday to you (belatedly) and what a contest.....

    My favorite veggie straight outta of the garden is broccoli.

    Oh broccoli, oh broccoli, how do I love thy flavor?
    Washed off with the hose and munching out, that's good right there.

  31. Happy birthday (a few days late). Wow..what a give-a-way!
    My favorite garden item to's hard to choose just one, tomatoes and carrots. I just might grow some carrots this year! I haven't for quite some time.
    Have a good day!

  32. I love to eat tomatoes off of the vine. They are so delicious when they are sun warmed. But my youngest daughter is an oddball- her favorite thing is chives... handfuls of chives.

  33. Happy Birthday!!!

    I love my garden. I'm just sad that I don't have more room. I think I'm going to make a new small bed so I can grow a little more.

    I'm sure I'm not alone in saying my favorite is tomatoes. My neighbor even comes over a picks a few tomatoes every time she makes a salad!!!

    I don't know where you live but in the NW a nursery called "Bonnie" delivers to most of our stores. They have the best cherry tomatoes called "Sun Gold". They are ripe when they turn orange and are the sweetest tomatoes I've ever tasted.


  34. I think my favorite "from the garden" vegetable would be green beans - and of course tomatoes!! Thanks for a great contest!!

  35. My all time favorite is a Kalirabi with just your run of the mill shake of salt and pepper....nothing more, nothing less, and let me tell you, its better than freaking amazing!! You know, me thinks I'm gonna plant some this year next to my jalapenos and haben....can't spell it, but its that really obscenely hot pepper that curls your toes and makes blisters in your mouth just by lookin' at them.

  36. That's easy...Cucumbers! Peeled...of course.

  37. My daughter's birthday was yesterday. Hope that you had a great one too!

    Summer reminds me of fresh warm tomatoes picked with sunshine goodness, taste and smell.

  38. Happy Happy Birthday Lisa!!

    Favorite veg out of the garden would be a green bean, or a tomato, or a cuke... :)

  39. Happy Birthday! I love to eat peas they are always soooo sweet straight from the garden. I have just starting planting my seeds and hopefully I will get my greenhouse finished this year.

    Hugs :)


  40. What a sweet giveaway! We'll be growing our veggies again this year. I'd have to say tomatoes are my favorite if there is no cooking involved. Otherwise, our freshly picked corn is out of this world delicious!

  41. Hope all your birthday wishes come true Lisa!! I would love to win all your beautiful prizes! My email is

  42. I forgot to list my favorite garden treat- tomatoes!!

  43. My mother used to LOVE eating corn straight from the field. She used to sneak into the farm next door and "borrow" a couple ears here and there. My favorites fresh out of the garden would be tomatoes and any berry. Super yummy!! :) We plan on planting a small garden this year. I think it will be lots of fun.... :)

  44. My grandson and I grow tomatoes - and we eat them right off the vine. It's making my mouth water just thinking about it.

    PS - LOVE your blog!

  45. Happy Birthday to you. My favorite vegetable to eat straight out of the garden is a tomato. When my sisiters and I were small we would pick them go to the outside water spout and wash them then put salt on them and eat away. They were sunshine ripe and fresh. Oh how I miss those days. Great blog you have here...m..

  46. Okay, I like all that stuff. What a nice thing to do. A giveaway. God bless.
