
Thursday, June 11, 2009

New look....again.

Yes I've done it again.

For those of you who have been following this blog since the beginning, you will notice that I have a new banner yet again.

I know some people remain loyal to one banner and have used it for the life of their blog, while others change theirs often. I wouldn't say I've changed mine often, but I every once in awhile I get the hankering to see something new. So I went searching on
Etsy, as I often do, and found someone to custom design a banner for me.

I fell in love with Renee's work at
Thompson Designs the minute I saw it. So many of her designs just screamed "ME". So after many emails back and forth, we came up with a banner that suits me perfectly. I love that she incorporated my love of cupcakes in it, and how cute is is that bird (which I hand picked myself thankyouverymuch) with the stolen cherry in his mouth??

If you're hankering for a new banner...I highly recommend Renee's work!


  1. Thank you so much my dear!! You were a joy to work with and I feel honored that you let me design you somthing pretty for your blog :)

  2. This is so pretty Lisa, I love it!

  3. Love your new banner, Lisa! The bird, colors, lettering all look great.

  4. SQUEAL!!!! I adore it! It's so YOU! Congratulations!

  5. I love the banner and will be checking her designs out as I think the preTzel bag is due for an update.

    Btw, I have my dills "marinating" right now. I can't wait to eat them! I used regular cukes cut in half, half again, and then fourths. I had to use 2 quarts of vinegar and water and 2 C of salt, and luckily I just bought a bunch of fresh dill at the farmer's market yesterday. Thank you for all the delicious recipes. :)

  6. Pretzel let me know how the pickles come out!

  7. Looks great! Very fitting right now.
