
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Strawberry Banana Split Cake & a bit of rambling

Strawberry Banana Split Cake - slice

There are lots of foods that I make that don't blog about. I mean I really don't think you would all love to see a post about my grilled burgers, or the pasta I made, or that you would get particularly excited about the tuna fish sandwiches we had for dinner the other night. These are meals that just aren't blog worthy in my opinion. I kind of like to share recipes that don't make ya yawn out loud. Sure I like to post simple dishes that anyone can make, and I'm happy when I get emails from people I don't even know saying "thanks I made such and such from your blog and my kids, my hubby, my Mom, etc., loved it. That just makes me smile. People feeding each other, it' a beautiful thing, but there are lots of other foods that I make that never get their photos taken, or the recipe written down.

I usually post 2 or 3 times a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. It depends on what's going on in my life and truthfully, if I've made anything that anyone else would be interested in.

I think most of us with blogs have felt from time to time like we have to keep up with Joneses so to speak. Like I'm not keeping up with my quota here. I mean there are bloggers out there that post every single day? Every day! Come on! Give the rest of us some slack. Get out of your kitchen, go outside and get some fresh air, see a movie, phone a friend, we're worried about you!

I vow not to get caught up in the "I need to post something new everyday" crowd. You will never see a monthly blog count near the 30 mark, sorry it's just not going to happen. There is so much more to do that sit in front of a screen chronicling every meal I make. Don't get me wrong, I love sharing my recipes with you all, I love the feedback I get, I enjoy photographing the food I make and writing about it, but I don't want it to ever become something I have to do, you know?

So I hope you enjoy visiting my blog and aren't tsking me when you see that I haven't posted in 4 or 5 days. I promise to keep sharing the recipes that I make that are worthy (why do I see Wayne and Garth in my head every time I use that word??) and I hope you'll keep stopping back from time to time. There's a whole heck of a lot of wonderful bloggers out their, so I'm grateful to everyone one of you takes time out of their busy days to see what's happening in my little world. Now on to the recipe!

Strawberry Banana Split Cake

This is one of my absolute biggest hits. No matter where I bring it, it is the first dessert to be devoured. A layer of graham cracker crumbs, a layer of sweetness, then loads of fruit topped with whipped topping. If you'd like to top this with homemade whipped cream, knock yourself out.

I know there are lots of people out that that turn their nose up at store bought whipped topping, but I honestly have to say, I haven't run into any of them personally.

Top this with toasted coconut, mini chocolate chips, chocolate syrup, or whatever floats your boat. No matter the topping, it will be the hit of the party. I guarantee it.

Strawberry Banana Split Collage

Strawberry Banana Split Cake
Printable recipe
Crust2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, melted
1/4 cup granulated sugar

1 ½ sticks butter, softened
3 cups confectionery sugar
1 ½ tablespoons milk
1 ½ teaspoons vanilla

2 large bananas cut into 1/4 inch slices
1 – 20oz can (large) crushed pineapple, drained well
1-pound fresh strawberries
(if using frozen sliced strawberries defrost and drain)
Coconut, if desired
16oz whipped topping (larger tub)

For the crust: combine the crumbs, butter and sugar in bowl and, press into an ungreased 13x9x2 dish. Chill for 1/2 hour.

In a mixing bowl cream butter, confectioners sugar, milk & vanilla. Spread over crust, chill for 1/2 hour. Layer strawberries, bananas, pineapple, and coconut (if desired). Any fruit can be substituted and chocolate syrup can be added also) Spread Cool Whip over the fruit. Top with nuts or toasted coconut. Keep refrigerated.

Strawberry Banana Split Cake TS


  1. This looks really good. I make something similar but it's frozen.

  2. This looks absolutely delish! I'm going to try it this weekend. Thanks for the recipe.

  3. Sounds like you have the right spirit about this whole blogging when you're inspired to! Or when you don't screw up dinner like I did last night (no one wants to see that burnt mess...although it could be a good lesson learned to shared with others: you may not have time for a 3 mile run while roasting veggies).

  4. This looks really delicious! I tried making a similar banana dish, and I tried making my whipped cream. It was a disaster. haha. So, I'm all for investing in some store bought whipped cream! I'm definitely going to try this recipe!

  5. This looks really delicious! I tried making a similar banana dish, and I tried making my whipped cream. It was a disaster. haha. So, I'm all for investing in some store bought whipped cream! I'm definitely going to try this recipe!

  6. I used to always think that way about the stuff I wouldn't blog about. Like, please, this is simple stuff, no one is really interested. And yet those are the ones I typically found myself the most interested in on other people's pages. Because we all need more delicious ideas for day-to-day meals, you know? But I do understand. And I'm also glad you don't live to blog. 2 to 3 times per week should be pleeeenty. It could be 1. As long as you're happy!

    Also? Beautiful cake. ;)

  7. I couldnt help but laugh at loud at your comments about the daily blogging! I find myself lucky to get 2 entries per week, but life comes first, right! :) And the blogging about everything I eat...ya...not going to happen! I too love to blog about stuff that is total drool worthy! And this cake you have me drooling! It looks amazing!!! :)

  8. looks like a good cake for a crowd.

  9. Your cake looks SO good!


    Very Nice Blog You Have!

  10. W-O-W This looks reight up my alley, sounds DELICIOUS!!
    Thanks for the recipe!
    Great site and pictures! :)

  11. Thanks Lisa!! Right back atcha! :)

  12. Oh yum! We are haveing friends over tonight so I am going to make this. Thanks!

  13. Just stumbled upon your blog, which is amazing by the way! Just had to say 'hello'!

  14. Hi, I can’t understand how to add your site in my rss reader. Can you Help me, please :)

  15. I made this Saturday and it was AWESOME!!!! Everyone loved it and it was gone before you knew it. The only thing I did different was put some chocolate syrup on the bananas before putting the cool whip and topped it with chopped maraschino cherries and nuts. It was so so good!!

  16. This is a nice blog, I will bookmark you and the feeds also.
