
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Apple Granola Crisp for Breakfast

Apple Granola CU

Let's see, we haven't had an apple recipe in awhile have we?

No we haven't.

Since I had to use up the last of my apples before they turned to mush, I decided on making this instead of more Orchard Applesauce for a change of pace.

I just couldn't resist making this one.

I was done with apples for a bit I tell ya. I was ding dang diggity dog done. (I really talk like that). Then I read Smitten Kitchens blog and saw her beautiful Apple Granola Crisp recipe and before you know it, I'm nixing the applesauce and dreaming of warm bowls of this deliciousness for breakfast.

This was such a warm and comforting dish. Think apple crisp and granola get married and have a baby. Warm cinnamony apples topped with crunchy, crispy granola. If you have some plain yogurt it would be great poured over the top. We've been eating it for breakfast, but if you decided to top it with vanilla ice cream and eat it after dinner, or as a snack, or sneak down the stairs at oh say, 1:00am and have a little nibble then who am I stop you?

Apple Granola CU1

Apple Granola Crisp
Recipe from Deb @ Smitten Kitchen
Printable recipe
3 pounds* of whatever apples, or mix of apples, you like to bake with, peeled, cored and cut into medium chunks
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 stick (8 tablespoons or 4 ounces) unsalted butter
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup flour
2 cups oats
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1/2 cup shredded coconut

Preheat oven to 400°F. Mix apple chunks with lemon juice, sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon and pinch of salt in a 9×13-inch baking dish until apples are evenly coated.

In a medium saucepan, melt the butter with the honey. Stir in the flour, oats, almonds, coconut and another pinch of salt until clumps form. Sprinkle evenly over the apple mixture and bake in the oven for about 45 to 55 minutes, or until the apples are softened and bubbly.

Should the granola brown before you wish it to, cover the baking dish carefully with foil for all but the last few minutes of baking time, when removing the foil will help the granola recrisp. Cool to room temperature and then stash in the fridge to eat with your morning yogurt.

Apple Granola


  1. Oh my just keep coming up with such great ones Lisa!!!

    by the way..have you tried slicing and freezing your apples? The gal at our local orchard said you could do that..and then just pull them out, thaw and use .... I'm actually doing some up today.

    Wishing you a most fun and spectacular Halloweeeennnn!!!



  2. That looks heavenly. I can't think of a better breakfast for a chilly fall morning.

  3. I love that oat topping...delicious!

  4. I love crisps for breakfast. What a perfect way to start the day!!!

  5. Oh heavenly days! Cannot even wait to try this...

  6. apple crisp and granola can make as many babies as they want in my house.

    dang that smitten kitchen!

  7. 童貞を奪ってみたい女性たちは、男性にとって「初体験」という一生に一度だけの、特別なイベントを共に心に刻み込むことを至上の喜びにしているのです。そんな童貞好きな女性たちと高級チェリーで最高のSEXをしてみませんか

  8. 恋愛のこと教えてねヽ(^◇^*)/February 12, 2010 at 6:01 AM

    仕事や趣味に夢中になってたらいつの間にか独りきりになってた…彼氏も長いこといなくて恋愛から離れてました( ´_ゝ`)そろそろ恋愛にも夢中になりたいけど男の子とどうせっしたらいいか教えて下さい(-^▽^-) 動物好きだから、年上で動物好きな人仲良くしてね(。・w・。 ) ペット連れて散歩なんていいよね!!まずはのんびりメールからお願いします

  9. 満を持してのスタビ復活劇!!ここから刻まれる、新たな一コマ。スタービーチがあなたの歴史を生み出します

  10. 今や女の子のオナニーは常識。しかもお金を払って実際にオナニーを見てもらい、恥ずかしがるのや褒められるのが興奮のツボ!そんな彼女達とオナメールやオナニー救援でHなことしてみませんか

  11. 高松宮記念の最新予想!オッズ、厳選買い目は?!レースの鍵を握る馬は裏情報を特別公開

  12. 聖なる場所スタービーチで愛を育てませんか。メル友や恋人、セクフレなど貴方が理想としている関係がスタビでは築けちゃいます。素敵なであいから発展させていきませんか

  13. 今話題のツイッター、mixiやモバゲーなんか目じゃない。規制が無いに等しいから、今がチャンスなんです!!ホンマ体力が持たない位の入れ喰い状態が続いて、ツイッターを放置してた事を後悔してます

  14. モバゲータウンでは恋愛から出合いまでのキッカケをつかめる無料のコミュニティサイトです。常時サポートスタッフが掲示板をチェック、サクラや業者を排除しておりますので安心してご利用いただけます
