
Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Evan arm band

See that?

That stunning bracelet in a lovely shade of blue?

It's a wrist adornment that no mother wants to see on her child's arm.

Yesterday afternoon while I was 45 minutes from home, trampsing
to a Game Stop to by a Christmas present for my oldest, I get a call.

The call you knew was eventually going to come, but that you hoped
happened when you were in the near vicinity of your child.

Evan: (holding back tears): "Mom, I think I broke my wrist".

Me: (freaking out at the register of Game Stop very far from home): "You what?? How??"

Evan: "I fell off my bike doing the paper route with Brandon and it really hurts. I think it's broke. It hurts bad. Where are you???"

Me: "I'm on my way".

So we go speeding home, run into not one, but two dump
trucks going 5 miles an hour.
Why is that always the way?

I frantically call Tati and she rushes over to the house.
Having a nurse as your best friend comes in very handy sometimes.
She calls me when I am half way home and says she thinks it's broken too.
She takes Evan straight to the ER.

I dump John, Jesse & Moose off at the house.
Get to the hospital.
Evan's got a very swollen arm on ice.
I thank Tati profusely.
We wait an hour and a half to be seen.
Doc looks at arm. Yup I think it's broken.
X-Rays confirm it.
Half cast for now.
Full cast when the swelling goes down.

Here's a shot of some of the damage. Nice big scrape under his eye
and a little cut. That shiner is changing into different shades as I type.

Evan boo boo face

The boo-boo face when he thinks about not playing soccer for the rest of the season.

Evan boo boo face and pouty lip

It's only a couple of more games, but the boy loves soccer, so he is totally bummed.

His birthday is this Saturday too. Poor kid.

Evan boo boo on the couch

To add insult to injury we noticed that his wrist band labeled him and F and not an M.

"What idiots" says Evan.

Evan arm band

Time to go dig out a big plastic bag so this boy can shower.
Any Mom's who have been through the broken limb thing before?
Tips and/or advice will be greatly appreciated.


  1. oh my gosh this went right through me. How awful! Your poor son. He looks like a trooper though. How precious that he has a paper route. I hope he makes a speedy recovery.

  2. Hi,
    My oldest boy is in a cast for his right hand right now. Broke his hand this past Sunday. Keep it elevated so his little fingers don't get too swollen and DO NOT stick anyting down that cast. If it gets hot, use a blow dryer on cool setting to blow cool air down the cast.
    My youngest son has broken three bones so far. I am beginning to think they should just set aside a room for us in the ER.
    Hope he's feeling better soon.

  3. Awww poor kiddo. Especially with his birthday coming up. Hope he recovers very quickly!

  4. Oh, LISA!!! I'm so very sorry for you and your son. But I have to say when you are a kid who is hurt (even a big one), there's nothing sweeter than the sound of your mother's voice saying, I'm on the way!

    Big hugs from Maine, dear friend, BIG HUGS!

  5. Lisa, your son's wrist hurts and your heart hurts. I know you would gladly take his pain on top of yours.

    Spoil him, and make him his favorite foods. It will make you both feel better.

  6. Sorry - keep it elevated and just give it time. My youngest (whose birthday just happens to be 10/12/96) broke his left wrist last year while skateboarding down the hillside (a little stuntwork gone bad). He had the cast on for 10 weeks. He got used to it pretty quick, and was glad he got a new one after 4 weeks so he could change colors from blue to camo. Instead of a bag for showering, I got a cast cover at the hospital supply place. It goes over the arm, and you pump it up so it closes tight aroung the upper arm. It worked out really well. After the cast is off, his arm will be skinnier and whiter than the other one, but it gets better after a week or so. Sorry Evan - at least you'll get lots of attention at school and probably won't have to do P.E.
    Good luck...:)

  7. Thanks Robin. I'm getting that cast cover for sure!

  8. My son, now 30, broke his wrist when he was in 7th grade playing street ball. He thought it was hurt, but not broken. We got up the next morning, and there he was sitting in the living room with his wrist on ice. Sure enough, broken. We felt so bad not taking him to the hospital that night. That was our only break with three children. Hope your son does well. He's a cutie.

  9. Ugh! That's the worst, isn't it? My son broke his arm falling off a giant turtle at the play area in the mall. I think we'll tease him about that for the rest of his life. He ended up missing a whole summer of swim lessons.
    Just remember that the great thing about kids is that they heal quickly (and I'm sure some yummy treats from Mom will help too!)
    One thing I learned was never to wrap the bandage too tight. If his fingers are swollen and puffy, that's not a good thing.
    Get well soon Evan!

  10. I know the feeling. My heart almost popped out when my son had his arm broken twice, in less than 8 weeks, at hockey. My thoughts are with you. Take car of your son.

  11. Hi Lisa -
    How's Evan's arm coming along? Did you find the cast cover? Hope it's all working out, and that he's feeling better.
    Take care,
