
Friday, November 13, 2009

The Pioneer Woman Cooks Giveaway!

See that cookbook? That cookbook is written by a blogger. A blogger like me. Well, ok maybe not just like me. She a blogger superstar, I'm just a itty bitty blogger from New England.

There's another blogger out there who just published a cookbook too.


Another blogger extraordinaire, Jaden Hair of Jaden's Steamy Kitchen.

Two bloggers with their very own cookbooks.

It boggles my wittle blogger brain.

The minute these two books were on available on Amazon I had them pre-ordered faster than you can say buttermilk biscuits, or in Jaden's case firecracker shrimp. A few weeks ago these beautiful books arrived on my doorstep and I spent the next few nights devouring each and every page of deliciousness.

I was also very proud to be a recipe tester for Jaden. My name was in that big, glossy cookbook. I could hardly believe it. Look here's proof:


My name. Little 'ole me from teeny tiny Rhode Island. It still makes me smile.

Cool huh? Anyhoo...lets backtrack to the day I received the cookbooks. My mother-in-law called that day. She called to tell my husband that she had just ordered PW's cookbook for me. Oh she was tickled, bless her heart. My husband had to then tell her that he was looking at a copy of PW's cookbook on the kitchen table. She wasn't so tickled then.

So what does my dear, sweet mommy-in-law do? She sends me the cookbook to give away on the blog. How cool is she? Let me answer: VERY!

So if you haven't picked up a copy yet and you'd like to win one then just leave me a comment.

Since it's almost Thanksgiving, I'll give you a Thanksgiviny question.

What's your favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal? Are you a stuffing person? A green bean casserole craver? A sweet potato pie lover? Leave me a comment and you're entered, and please people, I can't stress this enough, if you don't have a blog, please, please leave me an email address where I can reach you.

If you'd like to check out some of P-Dub's grub, get typing!

Contest ends Wednesday, November 18th, cause, well, I just looked at the calendar and picked a date and that was it. So giddy yup.

That was PW taking over. Sorry it won't happen again.

Pssstt... hey one last thing...this is my 500th post! I can't even fathom it? I wrote 500 posts, which probably contain over 400 recipes, which makes me think, I should get my butt in gear and get a recipe index going...yeah, I'm gonna do that, I'm so gonna get that in gear...someday!


  1. Sweet potatoes!! with lots of marshmallows and brown sugar.

  2. I always look forward to the cornbread dressing and sweet potatoes. I love having both of them together. Carb crazy!!

  3. My mom makes dressing in the crockpot and it is the best I have ever had. So moist!

  4. I am all about the desserts! Don't get me wrong...I love the turkey and dressing...but I always have to save room for some Derby pie!

  5. Mashed sweetpotatos with a touch of cranberries, yum. They make the BEST sweet potato pancakes the next day too.

  6. I love stuffing. with gravy...mmm...

  7. The cranberry sauce. I'm a Yankee transplant living in Texas and I love my hometown cranberries!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. My mom's cornbread dressing made with turkey drippings, celery seed, mushrooms and love.

    I am intrigued by Anonymous' crock pot dressing idea. Because truly we deserve dressing (or stuffing) more than once a year.

  10. Oh, and P.S.-- that is so cool about your name in her cookbook!! I am so proud of you!!!

  11. Stuffing, any kind...It just has to be toasty on top, buttery, moist and full of sauteed onions and celery. Yum.

    I don't have a blog, just love to read them. I love to get ideas for my own cooking and baking. Congratulations on your fabulous blog and cameo in Pw's book!

  12. I love ending the meal with a slice of apple and pumpkin prailine pie that my 99 year old grandmother makes by hand. Yes, both. Yum!

  13. I love the stuffing! Yummy. I have adult onset allergies and can no longer eat pumpkin pie. My mother made a pumpkin pecan pie- it used to be my favorite

  14. Dessert! Apple and Pumpkin pies!

  15. I am all about the starches! Mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy is a favorite of mine, as were my grandmother's candied sweet potatoes, which I haven't had in years :(!

    stef1213 at hotmaildotcom

  16. My favorite is my grandmother's roasted carrots and parsnips - simple but perfect.

  17. Congrats on 500 posts! My favorite part is the side dishes, piles and piles of them. Oh, and the pies.

  18. I am a baker.. so I love the end of the meal!

  19. COngrats on the 500! Wow...that's a lot of writing!
    My favourite part of Thanksgiving meal: brussel sprouts in white sauce. Yummmm.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  20. Turkey with cranberry sauce. Can't have one without the other!

  21. Sausage stuffing...the best! I can't get enough of it....yum:)

  22. Thanks for the giveaway. I would love the Pioneer Woman cookbook. Anyway my favorite part of the thanks giving meal is the turkey, or course, I love stuffing especially cornbread stuffing or wild rice. I dont care for green bean casserole. I have never tasted sweet potato pie. But I love apple pies.

  23. I'm not entering because I won last time. But I just want to say that my favorite for Thanksgiving is my great-aunt Ella's homemade noodles. Oh so good.

  24. Traditionally I have been a fan or mashed potatoes, but this year I am excited to try out my new butternut squash recipes!

  25. Congrats on your 500th, Lisa! Your recipes are the best, I've made many. To me, Thanksgiving is all about the pie, pumpkin pie and whipped cream.

  26. Pennies from Heaven, carrot coins cooked with butter, orange juice and cinnamon sugar, yum!

  27. Green bean casserole, complete with condensed cream of mushroom soup and all

  28. I love mashed potatoes but then for dessert I love pumpkin crisp.

  29. Turkey.



    I love it fresh out of the oven. I love it during the days following on hot turkey sandwiches. And I love the soup that comes from the bones and everything else.


  30. Way to go, mom-in-law! :)
    Thanks for the offer!
    I love pumpkin pie. I'll be making one in a few weeks. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving tremendously!

  31. Lisa, every year we have 2 Thanksgivings; the Canadian one in October, and the US one in November for my hubby. Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving without my husbands famous sweet potatoes. He mashes them and adds butter and brown sugar to them. Simple, and very YUMMY! The kids just love them! in fact they love them so much they request them through the year too LOL. Funny thing is, before Nick came here, we never had sweet potatoes, ever. And now it's a must-have. I love the new things he's introduced to our family.
    p.s. congrats on 500 posts! when I started reading your blog a few months ago, I dedicated a whole day and started at the beginning and read all the way through. I love it! Keep it up!

  32. My favorite part is the sweet potato casserole complete with the melted marshmallows. So delicious.

  33. like ying and yang. My favorite parts are a crunchy fall salad with pomegranate seeds and the ice cream that goes with the pies. Ice cream and salad... but not together :)

  34. #500, Woo Hoo!!!
    I'm thinking you need a cookbook. I love love love your recipes. I think everyone here will agree. My favorite is the blending of turkey, cornbread dressing and cranberries. It just goes together.
    Think I'm doing the crockpot dressing this year also.

  35. I love the stuffing and gravy! Yum...It's the only time of year we go all out and make everything from scratch. But then the pumpkin pie with whipped topping is pretty high on my list too. LOL

    Congrats on your 500th post.WOW! I love your blog and have been a follower for quite a while.

    Thanks for offering such a great giveaway.

  36. Hey Lisa,

    My favorite part is my brother begging me to allow him to make the stuffing. Hubby and I are traditional cornbread stuffing eaters, big (and I mean BIG) brother goes for raisins and a whole bunch of other stuff we can't identify. Since TG is always in my home, big brother loses!

    Hope all is well,

    Say Your Piece!

  37. I love those sweet potatoes with lots of marshmallows; I've tried to not make them, but then it's just not the same!

  38. brussels sprouts are the Thanksgiving underdogs and my ultimate dish.



  39. I'd probably have to say the dressing. We make ours with sausage, apples, celery, walnuts, raisins and or cranberries...mmm mmm good! LOVE the savory and sweet combination.


  40. I'm a stuffing girl, myself. I'll make it year-round. My roommates are cranberry sauce people--they'll open a can and eat with a spoon when they're stressed out. Kind of amazing.

    PS. Congrats on your 500th post!!

  41. The trinity for me = collard greens, dressing, cranberry sauce.

    Great post Lisa, and great comments from all. Congratulations on 500 posts! I sure do love the ones I have read.

    Today is my 9th Friday the 13th birthday. . .ha ha.

  42. My favorite part is the chicken--my grandma makes turkey and ham for everyone else, but always some chicken strips for me;-)

  43. Can't pass up a chance at a PW cookbook!

    My favorite part are all the leftovers. Don't get me wrong, I love the day itself. Lots of food, cooking, family getting together, no commercial pressure of gift-giving, etc. However, the next day, there's nothing better than getting to open up that fridge and making a turkey, gravy, mashed potato and cranberry open-faced sandwich.

    I think this somehow links Chinese food take-away and Thanksgiving. Seems to taste even better the next day.

  44. Stuffing. It's always the stuffing!

  45. My absolute favorite is my mother's cornbread dressing. It is absolutely wonderful. I have tried to duplicate it (with her standing beside me telling me how), but it is never as good as hers. Must be the love she puts in it!


  46. My favorite is Cope's baked dried sweet corn (it's an Amish country dish). Yum! It's hard to find Cope's corn now that I no longer live in the country, but when I can find it we always have it for Thanksgiving.

  47. Actually, my favorite part is the leftovers! I love the turkey enchiladas, the turkey noodle soup, and the cold dressing, cranberry and turkey sandwiches--hot and openfaced! One hugh feast that stretches so far!

  48. Oyster filling, my mom makes the best!

  49. Stuffing with sausage, tart apples, dried cranberries and pecans. It's especially tasty the day after. Yum.

  50. I know it sounds boring, but I love me a big ol' heaping of mashed potatoes and gravy. Or as my best friend used to call it, "mashies and gravy". Yum!
    P.S. Congratulations on your 500th post!

  51. Definately love the homemade stuffing and gravy!!Mmm...... Love your blog by the way!! I'm definately a regular browser. HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!

  52. I'll be the weird one and say the jello-esque cranberry sauce :P It's the one time of year I ever get it, and I love the stuff.

    Your mom-in-law rocks, Lisa!


  53. Cranberry Jell-O Mold because it goes so well with all the other foods on the know, the forkful that has a little bit of everything on it. Can't wait :)

  54. pumpkin and cherry pies, the best!

  55. Pumpkin pie with lots of whipped cream!!!!

  56. Dessert..No matter what it is!!!!!!

  57. Stuffing! I have a recipe that I've been using for years that includes sweet bread...Oh-my-word!
    It's wonderful! Congrats on 500 posts! That's amazing!

  58. Pie. I'm all about the pie.

  59. Lisa what a fantastic giveaway! And these two bloggers what an inspiration they are! My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the stuffing, I don't have it all the time so I look forward to it.

  60. Lisa,
    My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the candied sweet potatoes. It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without them!

  61. Turkey covered in gravy!

  62. Cornbread dressing with my spiced cranberry sauce. Each is good alone, but together they are perfect.

  63. My favorite thing is kind of a combination of things...I like making a sandwich of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and gravy on a dinner roll a couple hours after the thanksgiving meal!

  64. My favorite dish on Thanksgiving is roasted Eastham turnips. They're so sweet and yummy.

    Your mother in law is a peach!

  65. My favorite part of Thanksgiving is putting my feet up and having some pumpking pie after everyone's eaten, enjoyed, and washed the dishes!!!!!!

  66. My favorite part is....EVERYTHING!!!

  67. My favorite part is pumpkin pie!
    seriouslywonderful (at) gmail (dot) com

  68. I love leftover turkey sandwiches w/ spicy mustard, bean sprouts, onion, cranberry relish (orange, walnut, grand marnier, cranberries) and avocado. I look forward to it every year. Oh...and to put it on a hearty, seedy bread is sensational.

  69. Pumpkin pie with fresh whipped cream!

  70. Lisa -
    Congrats on your 500th post! I really love your site. I've printed out a bazillion recipes, but I think the only thing I've made are the chocolate espresso cookies - and those were amazing.

    Oh, so Thanksgiving loves? I'd say my sis' french cut green beans with BACON, dijon, and slivered almonds. Yum!


  71. My favourite part of the Thanksgiving meal are the potatoesd and gravy..spuds all the way. Chez Pim also just put out a cookbook too:D

  72. My favorite Thanksgiving dish is the stuffing. It has to be homemade-none of that Stovetop stuffing for me please! Don't be hating-I'm not a food snob, really! Lol!

    I would love to win a copy of PW's cookbook. Thank you so much for the great giveaway.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    My email is

  73. My favorite part of the meal is definitely my father's oyster stuffing -- chewy chunks of bread and rich bites of oyster. So good with gravy, and it's definitely just as good the day after!

    ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com

  74. The stuffing. Love the stuffing!

  75. I love it all! I love your blog!! I feel like a member of your family!!! Can I be?? Better yet, maybe y'all can join mine!!!! We're lot's of fun and we love to cook!!

  76. I can't get enough of pumpkin pie! I have to wait all year to get it, so I eat as much as I can.

  77. Only one favorite? Gee----OK----cranberry salad. But everything together on that plate...turkey, stuffing, cranberry salad, squash, mashed potato..... it SINGS!!!!!!!! I can't WAIT till Turkey day!
    Your name in a cookbook-how VERY COOL is that, Lisa!? And congratulations on your 500th post too! You go, girl!!! :)

  78. My favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal is the people I share it with.
    PS I do love the Indian pudding.

  79. Mmm turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and my mom's homemade nut bread :)

  80. Dessert! Of course.. no wonder my hips are growing

  81. My hubbys homemade stuffing. My absolute favorite part, I wait for it every year!!

  82. It's all about the stuffing, my Mom's sausage stuffing to be exact, that she only makes once a year. I started dreaming of it in September!

  83. I miss my great-grandmother's cherry cream cheese pie and strawberry cake on Thanksgiving. She passed away twenty years ago this month, but I always remember looking forward to her hugs and her desserts on "turkey day."

  84. Congrats on your 500th post!

    The beautiful roast turkey is the star for me at Thanksgiving. I don't know why, but it seems ordinary any other time, but special at Thanksgiving.

    mary at deepsouthdish dot com

  85. PECAN PIE ! I don't know if this is a traditional dessert but in my family it is

  86. Gosh, I love the Pioneer Woman and would love to win this book.

    My favorite thing at Thanksgiving dinner would have to be the mashed potatoes and gravy with a fresh yeast roll. My mother was the best cook and will be gone 9 years this Christmas but each year when I'm in the kitchen preparing Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner I feel as if she is right there with me, helping me cook. So much so that last year the food tasted just like she would have done it.

  87. Hmmm, my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner is the homemade noodles in turkey broth over mashed potatoes. I am craving them as we speak!

  88. My absolute favorite is the dressing! I love it mixed with the turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy, but I love it just plain too!

  89. Over here from Bunny's Warm Oven...

    My favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal is the giblet and egg gravy- oh my!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  90. I love love love sage dressing, especially the crusty almost burnt part!!

  91. Hey Lisa ! Congrats on your 500 post ! How cool is that ?

    Hum, as this will be my second Thanksgiving, I will just tell you what I loved about my first one: Pumpkin Pie... I love it !!!

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.
