
Saturday, December 26, 2009

T'was a merry little Christmas.

We had a perfectly lovely Christmas.

We ate. Oh did we eat.

We spent time with family.

CE 2009

CD 09 16

CE 09 13

CE 09 9

There were huge boxes opened, that contained little notes.

CE 09 10

CE 09 1

CE 4

Christmas morning came and we exchanged gifts.

CD 09 6

CD 09 7

I think I got the best gift of all. The boys (with help from Papa) made me a beautiful new cutting board.

CD 09 14

CD 09 10

It doesn't get much better than that. Well, ok, I have to admit I did get one other gift that has me a little excited.

CD 09 12

This one wasn't too bad either.

CD 09 8

The most special of all was a beautiful painting from my in-laws that has little led lights in it. So adorable. It will now be a Christmas tradition that we hang it each year.


Christmas Day we had Nana over for dinner.

CD 09 18

She was in good spirits, especially after eating a lot of sweets.

Then we all kinda chilled out for the night. Including Moose.

CE 09 12

It really was a peaceful Christmas.

CD 09 21

Hope you enjoyed yours.


  1. The cutting board is so nice!! And yay on the tickets also. Lucky you!

    Glad you had a nice Christmas. Hope Nana is doing well.

  2. Aerosmith AND Tony Bourdain? Your cup totally runneth over, girl!
