
Monday, August 16, 2010

Catch up.

Let’s play a little catch up.


I’m still getting inquiries about how my sweet baby Moose is doing.

Moose better!

Update: He’s doing so, so much better. Everyday we see improvement. He’s walking so much better; in fact, he’s actually walking up and down the stairs now.

He’s perky, he’s eating and drinking like a dog that weighs 3 times his size (steroids will do that to ya). So the road to recovery is going well. We go back to Tufts in 2 weeks for another EKG. Fingers crossed.

My kids.

I love my two boys so much.

They are such great kids.

Evan is growing taller and taller each month.

He is quite proud of the fact that he towers over me. A feat which Papa says is not much of an accomplishment since I'm only 5 feet tall.

Evan hoodie

Evan CU1

I was meaning to write about this but I never got around to it. The whole month of July was a bit of a blur for me. The night I came home from Tufts, without Moose, was really tough for me. I was on the couch sobbing in a puddle of tears and Evan came over and sat beside me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and said “Mom don’t cry, he’s going to be ok”.

Evan reading1

A while later I was in the kitchen, still crying and my 15 yr old Jesse did the same thing. A hug and a kiss and reassurance that Moose was going to be home soon.

Jess is growing up fast too. Shaving even! Ugh. My kid has his own razor!!

Jess Moose

Jesse 2010

It meant the world to me that these two teenagers would reassure me in such a way. Jesse even washed my car for me the other day... without me asking! Amazing.

Car Wash Jesse

I'm pretty lucky to have two teenagers who really don't give me much trouble. Yes, we fight about bedtimes, and other silly little things, but I have to say, they are two really good kids and I'm very proud to be their Mama.

The Garden

We've been harvesting lots of cukes, tomatoes, eggplant, Swiss chard, basil (by the boatload), and GARLIC! How I love garlic. We harvested it on July 22nd, it was an early harvest. It's been drying out down in the basement since then. Now it will be moved up to the garage to hang out for the winter. I have 4 different varieties. Can't wait to try them all.


Planning ahead.

We’re tightening our apron strings. We have a big bill to pay off for Moose’s expenses. We also had some generous help with said bill, for which we are forever grateful. They know who they are. We are so thankful for you all.

I’m still scrimping and saving every way I can to help ease that pain. It was the perfect excuse to get into the freezers and use up all the stuff that I haven’t over the past 6 months or so. Let me tell ya...there will be some mish-mash recipes coming. We're hoping to have the whole bill paid off next month. Wish us luck!

Looking forward.

It will be another homemade Christmas this year. Last year we made a lot of gifts. Thankfully my husband is handy with wood and nails, so we made some gorgeous little primitive tables. This year I'm trying to come up with another project. I usually start in September, so I need to get motivated fast.

I have been gathering lots of nice wooden pieces all spring and summer long, so I have a great stash to choose from.

I think homemade gifts are the best anyway, don't you?


  1. Homemade gifts are the best. As are spontaneous hugs from big-hearted teenagers. So glad Moose is healing well.

  2. Lovely update. Wonderful to hear your boys are kind and thoughtful - no doubt that comes from having wonderful parents. And hey, my mom is only 5 feet...I'll let her know there are others out there.

  3. yes, yes, yes to homemade gifts, or just small little perfect match things.

    how lucky you are with those boys, and how lucky for them for you!

    glad to see things are well on the homefront!

  4. Homemade gifts ARE the best: like hugs from your sweet sons when you needed them most. Lisa, I'm so happy that Moose is better, and you are planning ahead. Hugs from here too...

  5. So glad Moose is healing. He sure looks happy in that photo. Your boys sound like they are shaping up into fine young men. And I can't wait for your 'mish-mash' cooking and a few photos of your creations to come! I sure do love your birdhouses.
