
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Watson Farm, Jamestown, RI

Watsons Farm house

A few weeks ago John and I took a much needed break.

Just the two of us.

That doesn't happen very often.

Watsons Farm little house

We needed some quiet time.

We needed some "just us" time.

We needed time to just walk and not talk very much.

To feel the sun on our backs and the wind against our faces.

We ventured out to Watson's Farm on the beautiful island of Jamestown, RI.

Watsons Farm landsape

Watsons Farm rock wall

What I loved about Watson Farms was that you went from pastures, big stone walls, and gigantic trees......right to the bay.....
Watsons Farm path sign

and the bridge.

Watsons Farm bridge

Watsons Farm John bridge a shore filled with shells and and the skeletons.....

Watsons Farm crab

Watsons Farm shell

...and beautiful rocks swept smooth from the sea.

Watsons Farm rcoks

Watsons Farm rock and sea

There were quite a few boats on the bay that day.

Watsons Farm sea boat

Watsons Farm shore

We walked hand and hand down the beach.

I know if my kids are reading this, they just stuck their finger down their throats and made a "blech" sound.

Watsons Farm shore 1

Watsons Farm bridge gull

We even saw a heart shaped mussel. Maybe it didn't look heart shaped when it was closed...

Watsons Farm heart shell

...but when you pushed open the shell.......a heart.

We walked back on a path lined with a towering trees.....

Watsons Farm tree

....we met a few horses....

Watsons Farm chewing horse

...and a rooster, who wanted no part in having his picture taken.

Watsons Farm angry rooster

Watsons Farm bench

Watsons Farm rusty wheel

We also met two very friendly farm cats....

Watsons Farm kitty 3

Watsons Farm kitty 1

Watsons Farm kitty 2

...who happily posed for pictures.

Watsons Farm kitty

We wandered around a bit while I snapped some pictures....

Watsons Farm bw door

Watsons Farm flowers

Watsons Farm fence with flower

The weather was perfect. The day was perfect.

I'm a lucky girl.

Watsons Farm horsehoe


  1. Great photos! I think my favorite is of the horse's muzzle. I've always wanted to go to Rhode Island.

  2. Absolutely perfect day. Yes, you are lucky.
    I really like your camera view.

  3. You are a lucky girl! I feel the peace and ('blech') romance of this place through your photos. It's gorgeous country up there. Of course, I've never been up to RI before, but it makes me realize how badly Rich and I need to run away, too. And of course, considering the stress you were going through, I can imagine this is just what the doc ordered. Good for you both.

  4. This is really a beautiful post. Just loved it! And, of course, your photos are bright, colorful, and exceptional. So lovely. What a nice way you documented that special day.

  5. I am from RI and that farm is really BEAUTIFUL! Watson Farm is my favorite farm in Jamestown and I go there about every Friday....gorgeous. Also, Beavertail Lighthouse has a beautiful view of the ocean.

  6. Watson Farm is a beautiful place. It's been too long since I've been for a long walk there! RI has a lot of unexpected gems like that.
