
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow Day!

We had a pretty major snow storm here yesterday.

Work was cancelled! Yahoooo!

We cozied up in the house.

I baked up a treat (coming tomorrow!)

Storm 16

We watched the birds at the bird feeder.

I bundled up, headed out and took a lot of pictures.

I drank tea and honey.

We ate spaghetti and meatballs.

We lazed about.

We had a perfectly lovely day.

Hope you did too.


  1. I'm so jealous - that sounds fabulous! We were supposed to get a storm (in DC) but it passed by and left just a couple inches. Not enough! Hope you're still enjoying the snow!

  2. Beautiful picture!! Wish we were snowed in! My 3 girls have never seen snow...they were born and raised in South Florida. We may have to go in search of some next winter. Hope that isn't the year that no one gets snow ;)

    Enjoy....with a cup of tea....for me!!

    Denise @ Creative Kitchen

  3. Whata peaceful photo. Won't you please send some snow to Texas?

  4. I think you're inspiring me to do a project 365. Nature looks like it just sits and poses and waits for you.

  5. I have returned to this photo too many times to count. I can't put my finger on why, but I am so drawn to it!
