
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My baby is Sixteen.

Oldies Evan
Evan circa 1998.

See that smirk? He still makes that face.

Evan turned 16 on the 17th of this month.

My baby is 16. I can hardly believe it.

I'm so lucky to have such a sweet boy.

I'll be busy getting ready for his party this weekend.

Our house will be filled with food, family and friends. I can't wait!

I have lots of food to cook but I'll be back Monday
 with a new recipe and a GIVEAWAY!

See you then friends.


  1. Aaaah. Sweet photo. I'm sure it's surreal. It's weird for me to think that I could have a post like this in 12 years.

  2. Happy Birthday to Evan. The reason I remember my 16th is that I could get my learner's permit to drive.

  3. A belated happy birthday to Evan! Hope this is a great year ahead of him.

    Hugs from Holland ~

  4. Awww.. what a precious photo!! Time goes by fast!! My oldest will be 25 this year, with my middle turning 15 in a few months and my littlest just turned 6. You're going to blink and he will be graduating. Hard to believe my oldest will be out of HS 7 yrs this year!!!!
