
Monday, October 3, 2011

Before & Afters

I live in the oldest house on my street.

That was very apparent when I moved in almost 25 years ago. There were was a lot of updating going on back in the 80's.

Since then we've really almost transformed the house entirely.


There was the breezeway* (see explanation here if you don't know what a breezeway is) that we never seemed to get to. It was always last on the list and seemed to get pushed back when another project came along.

Last month we finally decided to bite the bullet and re-model it. First we had to decide on a floor. It's a heavy traffic area that gets dirty and muddy and snowy, so we needed something that could stand up to the elements, yet be easy to clean. We chose tile.


I love the tile. It's easy to clean and looks so much better then my peel and stick tile that was peeling more than it was sticking lately.

So the floors in and now cause the floor looks so beautiful I need to re-vamp all the furniture in the room. Kinda like when you get new furniture then you look around the room and decide you need all new drapes or rugs. You know what I'm talkin' about ladies.

I had been searching out pieces at yard sales and estate store. I had an old deacons bench that I didn't want anymore. It held all my outdoor flags, no one really sat on it and I needed something smaller. I got lucky and found a sturdy wooden hamper at a Lion's Club Garage Sale for $5. This is what it looked like when I bought it:

Hamper before

This is what it looks like now:

Flag holder after

Amazing what a little paint and a little distressing will do huh? This little beauty holds all my flags perfectly. Happy Mama.

Next up was the onion or vegetable bin. A piece I bought back in the early 80's. I really did use this for my onions and potatoes so I didn't want to replace it with something else, but it needed help.

We took off the doors and hinges. John sanded it. I painted it. I searched around for baskets to fit it and it went from this:

Onion bin before

To this. A little bit of an improvement dontcha think?

Onion Bin after

So those are two of the pieces that we worked on. The big piece was the old nasty, green dry sink. It wasn't pretty but I saw potential in it. John and I totally transformed it into a piece I now love. That'll be coming up next!

Tomorrow the painting begins. I'm so very excited!


  1. Good eye for potential! Those are beautiful now. It's nice to be able to "shop" in your own home and transform pieces you once loved rather than putting them on the curb. Cannot wait to see your next piece!

  2. Wow. Those two pieces. You are crafty!! I love what you did. And the tile rocks...(I hope you sealed the grout, or it will start looking dirty again in no time.)

    I bet your house is like a miniature Antiques Road Show. With all the charm.

  3. I love seeing what you guys do to update the house.

  4. I love what you did with both pieces. Those baskets work perfectly.

    Can't wait to seethe next edition!

  5. Nicole from California :)October 4, 2011 at 4:22 PM

    You rock! Can you share what color paint that is; it looks like a flat? Also, did your distressing involve more than sanding? Thanks for sharing, can't wait to see the rest!

  6. I'm with bunny... great eye for potential! I'd never thought of the hamper for flags, but how perfect for ventilation. And the onion/potato bin is gorgeous! The baskets even pick up some of that gray. Great job!

  7. Thanks for sharing these ideas!! They look great! I too love finds and refinishing, re- upholstering etc!! It helps to see what ideas other people have too!
