I'm not really a gadget person. I do admit to having a few multi-taskers in my house. One of my newest is this grater. I found it on Etsy. Have I told you how addicted I am to Etsy? Handmade stuff, reasonably priced, created by people just like you and me sold in one big marketplace. How great it that?
I'm always searching the pottery on Etsy. I literally could buy thousands and thousands of dollars worth. I have a pottery addiction almost as bad as my chocolate addiction. I came across this great grater made by H Stoneware a few weeks ago and I was intrigued. I use a lot of ginger in my cooking. It's one of my most favorite flavors next to maple...and mocha....and coconut....and caramel....ok I have lots of favorite flavors, but ginger really is one of them. So I see this grater and it says:
It grates Ginger, garlic, hard cheese, lemon and orange zest, even nutmeg.
I hand throw each one so one of a kind.
Comes is a variety of colors.
email me for colors!
So I did. I chose the blue/black combo as you can see. The price - $10. Reasonable I thought. Now the question was, would it actually work? I had teriyaki salmon on the menu and it calls for lots of grated ginger, so this was a perfect opportunity to test it out.
See all those little "teeth"??

They really do work. I peeled some ginger, rubbed it across the surface of the grater, and withing a few seconds my ginger was down to a little bitty nub! I was thrilled. No more scraping my knuckles across the microplane grater. Hallelujah! This thing really works! So I tried it with some aged Pecorino - worked perfectly! How cool that my new little gadget not only looks good, but it actually does what it's supposed to.