We don't make a big deal out of Valentines Days.
It might shock some of you to know that there is no exchanging of cards or gifts or even flowers.
I'm lucky enough to be married to a man that shows me he loves me every single day of the year, not just February 14th. So we don't get all excited or giddy when that day rolls around.
Of course I will bake a treat and make him a favorite meal. This year it's grilled t-bones, mashed taters and a nice organic salad followed by these lovely little pound cake cupcakes. Yeah I added little pink hearts to them...not because it's Valentines day, just cause their cute dammit. Ok, I admit it, maybe I did put the hearts on for Valentines day. Hush.
Just like us, this recipe is plain and simple. Pound cake dipped in a chocolaty glaze. Yum. Who needs a box of chocolates?? Wait a minute, I'd still love a box, but my hips don't need it!

I filled both my mini muffin tins up and still had enough left over to make 10 regular size cupcakes, so it makes a lot.
Bite Size Sour Cream Pound Cake Cupcakes
Printable recipe
½ cup butter, softened (1 stick)
8 oz package cream cheese
2 cups sugar
4 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
1 – 8oz container of sour cream
Oven to 350. Beat butter and cream cheese at medium speed with electric mixer until creamy. Beat in the sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, beating until blended well after each addition. Stir in the vanilla.
Combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Gradually add to the butter mixture, alternating with the sour cream, beating until blended. Spoon batter by rounded teaspoon into lightly greased mini muffin pans.
Bake for 13 to 15 minutes or until wooden toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool in pans on wire rack for 5 minutes. Remove from pan and cool completely (about 30 minutes)
For the Glaze:
1 cups semi or bittersweet chocolate,chopped
3 tbsp unsalted butter
1/8 cup light corn syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
In a small saucepan combine the first 3 ingredients together over low heat until melted. Stir in vanilla. Dip the tops of the cooled cupcakes into the glaze.
Amen, Lisa!! I think V-Day is the dumbest day...a marketing ploy by the manufacturers that has gotten way out of hand. Paul and I don't exchange anything - instead we make the nice all year long. A much better deal, if you ask me.
I would, however, be happy to receive one (or two) of these cupcakes today ;-)
I usually give a little card but other than that...V-day means very little. I think it's more important to show love each and every day instead of one day a year. I'm not sure where you are located but I grew up in the mid-west and there was also something called "Sweetest Day" that was like a mini V-Day. Do we really need two made up holidays that celebrate love?
Anyway, these little sweet chocolate glazed nuggets look awesome. I love the the little heart in the middle :)
Wow, Lisa, those are adorable little treats! What kind of camera do you use, if you don't mind me asking? Can't wait to see more from you!
Georgia I use a Nikon D60. Thanks for visting~
Boy, you have been baking a lot lately! You are spoiling my brain with these photos. YUM. I have to admit, that I love Valentine's Day. For me, I don't mind a little flagrant commercialism every now and then. I'm a shopper to the core. And Rich and my first date was on V.Day- 12 years ago. At the time, we thought we were nuts even trying it (two single people going out with the lovey dovey crowd), but we had such a great night, that we've kept the love up ever since. These cakes are really cute. I love the single heart against the dark glaze.
As for Valentine's Day, well, honestly, I think this is the only one that has been special for me.
And, it wasn't the flowers, or the balloon (!), or the fact that the boys took me to a fav rest of theirs.
Nope. It was that I got to spend extra time. With them. No homework. No serving at church. Just chilling. Laughing at the cats. Just time.
Those bite sized pound cakes look adorable. Seriously, Lisa, what in the world do you do with all those wonderful things you bake all the time? The glorious dinners, sure, your family eats. But, all those cupcakes and pretty desserts?? Do the boys eat them and run laps around the place??!
As usual, you rawk!
Dana, lets just say that my neighbors and co-workers are very well fed. Obviously if we ate everything I make we'd all weigh a ton. The boys don't always like what I make either. Evan is a really picky eater. So I share and whatever the neighbors don't get, comes to work, where the seagulls scarf it up in seconds. Honestly if I bring baked good in, they are gone by 9am.
The other situation I run into is the boys friends. It's not unusual to find 4 - 6 teenage boys in my house at one time and let me tell ya, then can put some serious hurt on a plate of baked goods. Wiped out in seconds I tell ya, lol.
I'd say I personally don't eat about 75% of the sweets I make. I'll taste it, like take these cupcakes...I had a bite of one and that was it. Just had to make sure they tasted good you know,for the sake of the readers, lol. Now there are other times when I have to bring stuff to work so I won't eat it!
Glad you had a great Valentines day, cause if anyone deserves one, you do.
What a gorgeous glaze on those cupcakes! These are beautiful.
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