I thought a giveaway at this transition period between winter to spring might be a good idea. More coming up on that. I wanted to share a few things with you.
First of all look at this beautiful little bowl that I received in the mail about a month after Moose passed. I can't tell you how touched I was when I opened up the package and saw this:

I had purchased some items from Eileen's shop Say Your Piece on Etsy years ago. She has a great little shop. I encourage you to visit and check out all the beautiful custom and personalized ceramic work she does.
So this package arrives out of the blue and I'm thinking to myself "I didn't order anything". I opened it up and was in a puddle of tears, not only because the dish was so beautiful, but because Eileen had taken time out of her busy life to make and send this to me. I am so thankful that there are truly special people like her in the world. She touched my heart with this precious gift that I'll cherish forever. Thank you again Eileen.
I also had this amazing portrait done of Moose. It's by a local artist named Laurelin Sitterly who owns Blockhead Craftwerks. She draws gorgeous animal portraits and even donates part of the purchase price to local animal charities.
I was in tears again when I saw this portrait of Moose and his baby bunny.

She captured his soul and spirit in this. Another one to cherish.
Thank you Eileen and Laurelin.
Your works of art keep Moose's memory alive.
So because spring is around the corner and because Thursday it's my birthday and because I haven't had a giveaway in a good long time, I've got a few handpicked items I'd love for one lucky winner to own. They are a bit of a mish-mash. I've been picking up things that have caught my eye over the past few months. First up is one of my all time favorite cookbooks. Cristina Ferrare's Big Bowl of Love.
I own and love this cookbook. I was a big fan of Christina's show and I'm an even bigger fan of her cooking....and my friends Todd & Diane (White on Rice Couple) took all the gorgeous photographs in this book. It's a stunner filled with the most delicious recipes you can imagine. I'd love for it to be in someone kitchen.
Second item - might sound a little strange, but trust me on this one, it's a uni-tasker that I love. A silicone butter softener.
How many times have you gone to make a recipe and you see these words next to the butter "room temp" or " softened"? Ugh. I forgot to take the butter out and now I have to wait hours before I can make this recipe. Well wait no more. You pop this baby in the microwave, remove, then slap one or two sticks of butter in it and in about 8 minutes you have perfectly softened butter to use in your recipe. The forgetful me loves it! It really works!
Third - this little pitcher just called to me. I love the color and the design. It's the perfect size to hold some milk or cream to go with you tea and it looks adorable on the table. I had to have it and I wanted one of you to have it too!
Last but not least the infamous half roll pan.
Back in 2011 I posted a recipe for a Swedish Almond Cake. Immediately following I had many inquiries as to where the pan could be purchased. I must have had 20 people trying to find that darn pan. Mine was bought eon's ago. I did find some half roll pans and bought quite a few with future giveaways in mind. I'm adding this into the winners package. I can tell you that even if you only make that Swedish Almond Cake and nothing else in this pan, it's so worth it.
So there is my little giveaway. It's open to everyone. All you have to do to enter is to answer this question:
What's your favorite thing about spring?
One lucky reader has a chance to win it all!
If you don't have a blog, please leave me email address to contact you (no email and I'll move on to the next name).
There are three ways to enter: (1) leave a comment on the blog (2) go “like” The Cutting Edge of Ordinary on Facebook or (3) Already a fan? Just leave a comment here to let me know!
Giveaway ends on Friday, March 22nd at midnight EST. Good Luck!
That is such a wonderful bowl you were sent and I LOVE the portrait. I'm gonna go make sure I've liked you on FB. Thanks for sharing all the goodies! Any special birthday plans?
Some of the things I love about spring, that's a hard one: watching Mother Nature at work, watching my little boy play in the grass, all the tea parties with the little homemade sandwiches and cakes. Yummy. The list is endless. I love your blog too.
I liked you on FB a while back. I love your posts. These "gifts" are such special ones and I would love to win them. Spring is my favorite time of year. The time of year when I get outside and play in my flower garden -or what I call my therapy garden. My hummingbirds return and all is well with the world again.
The portrait of Moose is amazing, what a sweet puppy. The thing I love most about spring is....being able to hang my clothes out on the clothes line after a long winter. Having the fresh smell of spring in my clothes again....love it. (I will miss winter though)
Already a fan on FB.
Thanks so much for a chance to win!
The things I love about Spring is warm weather, not hot, not cold and the beautiful spring flowers. Always such beautiful colors!
Opening windows and letting fresh air in the house!
Windows open! the fresh clean smell of grass! warm wet spring showers! And new birth!
Those are such lovely gifts, Lisa. The kindness of some people restore my faith in humanity.
I love it when the Lilacs in my yard bloom. Then I can open the front door and the whole house smells wonderful.
Lovely post. I'm already a fan on FB - and I subscribe by e-mail. Thank you for such a great giveaway.
I love the warm weather of spring! :)
I love the beautiful weather and being able to BBQ and eat dinner outside. I also love that there's a longer period of daylight in the evening. Love spring!
I'm a fan on facebook!
I love your blog .... your recipes are always so yummy .... thanks for letting me enter your give-away! ssisel@kc.rr.com
My favorite part of Spring is that I can get outside and walk after being cooped up all winter.
And I'm a FB fan :)
My favorite thing about spring each year is planning and carrying out yard work, making changes to our flower beds. Thanks for the giveaway! brenda.cobble@yahoo.com
i love spring cleaning, the weather motivates me to throw stuff out and make room for new stuff!
daniellex at gmail dot com
Wonderful giveaway - I have Cristina's first cookbook happy to see she has another one out. I'm a fan :)
I love being able to sleep with the windows open.
My favorite thing about Spring is just being outside with less bundling!
I liked The Cutting Edge of Ordinary on facebook.
Spring flowers! Daffodils and tulips and hyacinths and crocuses and lilacs and peonies and forsythia and lily of the valley and irises. Oh, my!
PS Happy Birthday!!
I love the smell of honeysuckle and lilac... :) jnh34@georgetown.edu
It is so difficult to pick my favorite thing about Spring. Perhaps I am reminded of the birth of my one and only son. He turns 16 on March 25th and even though it should e a happy event I am absolutely devastated that he is growing up into a very handsome young man. ( not that I am biased or anything) Every spring he would help me with my garden and as a child he loved to play in the dirt with me. He has since drifted away from helping me in the garden, but each year I have hopes he will surprise me and come play in the dirt. But for now it will be me and buddy waiting patiently. Or maybe because it reminds me of getting our puppy. We got him for my son on his 9th birthday. At first I hated that muddy, happy, easily excited,hairy dog that chewed on everything. Seriously, he ate the bottom corner of my wooden swing! But now our vacations have to be puppy friendly because I cannot bear to be without him. I could go on and on and on................... Thank you! Lora
My favorite thing about Spring? Well, as much as I hate the time change at first, I love it when it is still light out at dinner time and beyond :)
OH! And I have already liked your page on FB!
What do I love about Spring? My husband is self employed and works long hours and in the spring it is still light out when he comes home. So it feels like he is home longer. My favorite colour is green and in spring there is green everywhere. Thank you for your draw and Happy Birthday! Cherie
Hi Lisa, I liked you on FB as Sangeeta Sharma. What does spring mean to me? Well, I am from India and my childhood was spent in a evergreen forest. Spring for me was always the beautiful strain of the cuckoo. It still is, even though I live in a proper concrete jungle now. The cuckoo has followed me since my childhood, to every place that I have been, and told me that spring is here through its song. Without fail. You wont believe it, Lisa, but just today morning I heard the cuckoo's song the first time this season and thought to myself that gosh spring is here and I didn't even know!
Much love,
I love the change in the weather. Boring, but the warmer, sunnier days help cheer me up.
I like you on Facebook
Best thing about spring....warmer air and more sunshine! Happy Birthday.
I "like" you on Facebook
This spring I'm excited about the fact I actually planted some flowers. I can't wait to see if I did it right!
Spring is a wonderfull thing!! especially all the animals ...I like to see the robins in my yard every spring and waiting for my hummingbirds to return like they always do:) pickerel@tbaytel.net
Love the portrait of Moose! So simple, yet so touching. I love the longer sunshiny days of spring. Even if that means the streaks on my long neglected windows are appearing again!
I love your posts! Thanks for posting such yummy things. I would also like to know where you got the half roll pan--in case I don't win! (And, I never win giveaways.) Thanks!
The thing I love about spring is WARMER weather.
Oops. Forgot my email on the previous post.
My very favorite thing about spring is planning my small backyard vegetable garden and starting seeds indoors. And, I love the longer daylight hours.
My favorite season is winter, so I'll be sad to see it go. But when the weather finally starts to warm up, one of my favorite things is walking barefoot on the soft new grass. I also love watching the migration of the songbirds and raptors.
The artist who drew Moose's portrait did an amazing job! I love the beautiful little bowl that you received, too. What a truly wonderful gift! I hope that every time you look at them, they will remind you of all the sweet memories you have.
Luvs2scrap at aol dot com
I love the return of the earth. The tiny buds on the trees that soon grow into lush green leaves; the tender shoots spouting in the garden just waiting to burst into color. I love the longer nights and listening to the birds as they sing goodnight to each other. Yay, Spring!
Oh! And I follow you on Facebook too (but you knew that :-))
I love the warm sunshine. Thanks for the sweet giveaway!
hsheree2012 at gmail dot com
I(Jo March) follow The Cutting Edge of Ordinary on Facebook. Thanks!
hsheree2012 at gmail dot com
I love the warm sunshine. Thanks for the sweet giveaway!
hsheree2012 at gmail dot com
The warmer weather after the cold winter.
One of the most favorite things I love about spring is the celebration of Easter. Such a renewal of my faith. Then, of course, is watching my five grandchildren coming to visit, taking them to the beach, and cooking their favorite goodies.
When I think of Spring I get excited about planting my vegetable garden. This year though I am soooo excited to spend Easter with family. It has been a few years since we have all been together but the fact that we will once again be together is really all that matters! Happy Spring, Happy Easter, Happy Everything! <3 Mary
P.S. mkwtrans@gmail.com
This is great! I would love to win.
With snow in the forecast for me tonight, I am VERY much looking forward to no more snow!
I'm a FB fan!
Chocolate bunnies
Crocus flowers
Dyed eggs
Early leaves of soft green
Clouds settled in trees
Easter colors
Farmer's Market
Grape hyacinths
Jelly beans
Prima vera green
Soft rain
Walks outside
Reta Kenter
I love daffodils and petrichor. :-)
Thanks for the beautiful giveaway!
Spring, ah spring. This is the time when the snows continue to fall between days of sunshine warmth; birds are arriving on their journey along the flyway, some stopping to make nests in the bushes and trees or in a waiting birdhouse..their music fills me with that energy that is so impatient to get the gardens ready for the planting of seeds...soon, very soon new growth will come on all the bushes, the lilacs will bloom, cherry, peach, plum, apricot and then apple trees will bloom....oh spring, you are so welcome each year - the time of new beginnings.
rockymountainbirder at gmail dot com
I "liked" on FB and My email is elaineb1@ymail.com I really love the little paw bowl. I have a dog now that is going on 11 shes a small dog so I do not know how much longer I have with her. Its hard thinking about them being gone they become a part of your family! I love Spring and the sprouting flowers with their wonderful smells!
I love the colors and everything coming up anew of course, but mainly I love the time spent in the garden getting dirty and watching my things grow from seeds/starts. I have liked you on facebook by the way. lmp1894@gmail.com
The smell of rain - the flowers blooming - the warmth of the sun ... these are the things I usually enjoy about spring. This year, it's 23 degrees and there is snow on the ground and suggestions that there will be more snow, so this year my favorite thing about spring is the hope that it may come.
I love the way everything dead from winter becomes reborn. Spring here in Colorado sometimes doesn't exist since we sometimes get snow until mid to late May. Thank you for the opportunity to win the nice giveaway.
Just discovered your blog through Pinterest and love it! My favorite part of Spring is the flowers! Especially the hyacinths and pansies!
You know Chef Mongo is your BIGGEST fan, and I've already got plans for that half-roll pan ... *rubs hands together evilly*
My favorite thing about Spring is, pouring through the seed catalogs. Also, going to the green houses and picking out my flower and vegetable plants for the coming year. I make all of my hanging and flower pots that fill both my porches and yard. I love cleaning out the beds and seeing the new growth coming up out of the ground. As you can tell, Spring is one of my most favorite seasons!
My favorite thing about Spring is all the different color of greens the mountains turn as they are leafing out. Makes me want to paint!
Spring? Means...NO. MORE. SNOW!
I don't like you on FB.
I love you on FB. Pfttth!
Mongo want pan. If Mongo wins, I claim his butter thingy. I didn't even know that thingy existed!
And, seeing Moose...catches my breath. Hope that print brings lovely memories.
The scent of cut grass. I even used to have a candle that smelled of cut grass, kept in my bathroom.
(also already on FB :) )
ETA mariaannette at yahoo dot com
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Hey Lisa, I just went to the Say Your Piece website and I saw the tea bag holder that you gave me back when we worked together. I still use it and think of you when I do. The bowl she gave you was so precious. I'm so sorry for your loss of Moose. I remember how excited you were when you got him. I used to love hearing your Moose stories. You must miss him so much.
My favorite thing about spring is the milder weather so I can be outside more.
Also the flowers and buds and birds!!!
I just love the flowers that start to bloom
Favorite thing about Spring: the newness of everything...fresh buds...fresh air...and beautiful sunny days!
I don't have a blog (yet!), but you may contact me at woolseygirl@frontier.com.
Thanks! :) I just discovered your blog...love it!
My favorite thing about spring is watching my 2 yr old son really be able to discover everything for the first time! Flowers, birdfeeders, the birdbath in our flower bed, and watching how much fun he's having in his first tire swing!
Your blog is great and I really enjoy reading it. Great recipes, tips and recommendations.
Ugh, I forgot my email! idlehandsnc@live.com
And I've liked you on FB!
What I love most about Spring is watching the world come alive. Neighbors are back outside talking over the fence. Kids are playing ball, families are having picnics, people are out and about breathing in fresh air, enjoying the sunshine on their face. Flowers are popping up as well as little face from nest's high in the trees. It is like the whole earth is reborn!
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I am not on FB but can and do leave you comments on your blog now and then. I love being able to get outside to eat, read and do my hobbies as soon as spring really breaks. I also love working in and enjoying my garden. We are caught in the throw of winter yet at the moment but you can see signs of spring around too.
Hugs from Holland ~
I found out it's called a rehruchen pan and you can get one on Amazon! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002UCB5AA/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00
Thank you Julie!!
Woops...just discovered you and am too late to enter the contest. What can you tell me about who makes this pan and/or where did you find it? Now you will have me going crazy hunting for one to buy. Thanks.
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