Fast forward 27 years and it was almost like I was 17 again. Putting away $20 here, $40 there, stashing cash in my little savings box and counting it every few months to see what my total was. Could I have gone out and just bought it? Yes. Does it mean more to me to have saved for it for the last 10 months? Absolutely. Plus I think it teaches my kids a great lesson. If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to get it.
So after many, many years and many, many months of research I finally have the camera of my dreams.

It arrived today. I could hardly wait to tear into the box. Within minutes my table was covered with plastic, foam, instruction booklets, DVD's, wires, batteries, and all the do-dads that come along with a brand spanking new Nikon. Can I just say that again? A Nikon. I owe a Nikon. I have waited so many years to say that.
This weekend I'm just going to take my time and watch the DVD's and read my instruction manuals and really get to know this camera that I have waited so long to own. There may be a trip to a store to purchase a camera bag, but other than that, I'm planning on hunkering myself down and mastering this thing of beauty.
I may be awhile before the picture quality improves!
If you didn’t recognize that the title of this post was the lyrics to Kodachrome then you are just a young whippersnapper!