Friday, July 6, 2012

Garlic & Parmesan Pull Apart Bread

Garlic pull apart

I hope that those of you in the middle of this awful heatwave are finding a way to cope with this heat. I truly feel for those with no power and a heatwave to contend with. I can only imagine how miserable that must be.

I don't like the heat and I hate the humidity. It was terribly humid on the 4th but we trudged through. Thank goodness my house is air conditioned so folks could run back inside to cool off for a bit. Having the AC also comes in handy when I want to use the oven. I haven't been doing a whole lot of baking.

I did turn the oven on a few times though. Once to make this delicious and easy pull apart bread. It was worth the 22 minutes the oven was on. There there was the business of taking a photo.

There are times when I barely get to take a picture of the food I want to blog about.

I get groans when I bring a dish outside or into the garage to photograph it. I've even had teenage boys waiting besides me, forks in hand, ready to pounce as soon as I say "I got it". It's true.

Other times I'll make a separate plate of the dish and photograph after we all eat. That way I get feedback too.

This was one of those recipes that had them waiting. It smelled so heavenly. They just couldn't wait to dig in.

There are versions of this floating all over the blogosphere. Don't ask me where I got this one.
I did adapt the original recipe a bit. Don't I always?

Garlic pull apart 1

Garlic Parmesan Pull-Apart Bread
1 can of refrigerated Grands biscuits (not the flaky layers)
1/2 stick of butter
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 tsp Italian Seasoning

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Throw the cold stick of butter in a bundt pan and let it melt in the preheating oven.

While the butter melts, cut the Grands biscuits into quarters. In a bowl, toss the biscuit pieces, garlic, Italian Seasoning, and Parmesan cheese together.

Once the butter is melted, add the biscuit mixture to the pan, sprinkling with any cheese and garlic that gets let behind in the bowl.

Bake at 350 degrees for 20- 22 minutes until golden brown. Turn out on a dish and enjoy!


Digital Expressions said...

This sounds so easy and like something my family would love! Thanks for sharing it. As soon as this horrible heat in the midwest cools down im going to try it.. we havnt used the oven in over a week because the AC just can keep up with 110 degree heat index.

jeri said...

I wish all this heat would stop because I want to make this bread REALLY BAD. But it's been so horrible that I actually made scrambled eggs in the micro (the texture is a little weird but not nearly as bad as you would think) I grew up on the biscuits in the can and I actually prefer them to homemade, so this should be amazing.

Anonymous said...

Just found you this evening. First you got me with the name of your blog. Next you got me with this recipe. I'm making it tomorrow! Except for the no power part, I live in Texas (but born and raised in Massachusetts) so I know heat and humidity and can't sympathize with your discomfort. Down here your skin turns to asbestos and you develop gills so coping - along with a really large air-conditioning compressor makes life bearable. You will have to excuse me while I spend the rest of the night reading everything you have posted and composing my grocery list.

Jodifrommelbourne said...

Hi from Australia .. I would love to make this bread can you tell me how much 1/2 stick of butter weighs and would you describe Grands biscuits so I can find an equivalent .. cheers

The Cutting Edge of Ordinary said...

Jodi grands are like a flakey biscuit. They have lots of layers. Hope that helps. 1/2 stick of butter is 2 grams.

Unknown said...

Hi like Jodi Im from Australia and this recipe sound so delicious, could you please tell me the amount of bisuits used ie weight and also are the bisuits a dry bisuit like a water cracker/dry cracker? Thanks

Unknown said...

1/2 stick of butter is NOT 2 grams but 2 ounces or 4 tablespoons or 125 grams. this is a dough but American biscuits are nothing like English ones and are more like bread. Iam just going to buy the ingredients now so will give you the weight when I get back!

Unknown said...

1/2 stick of butter is NOT 2 grams but 125. This is equal to 2 ounces or 4 tablespoons. Susan - this is a dough that you buy and nothing like water biscuits more like a bread/dumpling. I have only ever seen them in America. I am just going out to buy the ingredients now and will give you the weight when I get back. I think the closest you will find would be one of those chilled tubes of dinner roll dough. Ihave done something similar using croissant dough.

Anonymous said...

There is a language problem here! ;)

biscuit in U.K. is cookie in the U.S

You would not use crackers. I am trying to think of a way to describe biscuits as in the U.S. They look more like scones but are more of a bread..not sure if you have an equivalent in Australia. Can you get biscuits at your McDonalds?!! Grands biscuits are an unbaked frozen version

Unknown said...

I think that Australia is like the UK and you will not find the Grand biscuit dough. However I know that you can buy uncooked dinner roll dough and French bread dough. I would definitely try using that. the tube of biscuit dough weighed 1lb 3 ounces or 462 grams according the wrapping. I think pillsbury make the bread dough. Anyay I made it last night and it was heavenly! thank God I gave half of it away as I am sure that my husband and I would have eaten the whole thing without a problem! Good luck!

The Cutting Edge of Ordinary said...

Ladies, I'm sorry, I have no idea how to help you all. I looked up the conversion, but apparently, it was wrong. I was never good in math either, lo. Hope some of the ladies over the pond can help.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely delicious!!!! Thank you for the easy idea, my boys loved it!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi ladies from Australia, I have a recipe u can make at home for the biscuits-bread what ever you would like to call it.. I used self rising flour if u use all purpose flour, use the same amount but add 2 teaspoons or 8 grams) baking powder.
256 grams self rising flour
113 grams salted butter
210 mL milk
Grease a baking dish and preheat oven to 400 degrees. Combine all ingredients and mix with hands. Add more flour or milk accordingly. Cover dough in flour and knead until only slightly sticky. Pinch off pieces and continue with the garlic bread recipe. Enjoy! These are also great with no seasoning. Instead of small pieces though pinch off and roll out pieces the size of your palm, bake at 400 for 17 mins. Butter the tops and then broil for 2 min. Or until golden brown.

Unknown said...

This is an amazing recipe. It was easy, quick and delicious. Thanks.

Unknown said...

This is an amazing recipe. It was easy, quick and delicious. Thanks.

Picturespotter said...

I think it looks really tastey and be great for parties where you have a bunch of friend over for dinner. Pre dinner snacks with a chilled beer would hit the spot.

Anonymous said...

I make a version of these. I use the same amount of buter, pillbury dough, then I top it with blue cheese. I bake it in a pie plate. They are amazing but I am going to try your recipe with the parm. cheese and garlic.

Anonymous said...

I make a version of this as well. I use the same amount of butter and phillsbury dough but I top mine with blue cheese and they turn out amazing. I will try them with the parm. cheese and garlic next time though

Jessa said...

My partner made these tonight and they are to die for!!! So easy to make and perfect with pasta and salad at the end of a warm summer day!