I'm all giddy and excited.
My in-laws are coming for a vacation.
They are coming in tomorrow on John's birthday, so they'll be here to celebrate with us on the 4th.
We do the 4th of July up pretty good here. I just love this holiday. I love the American flag and nothing makes me happier then seeing red, white and blue everywhere I look.
It's all about the firecrackers (which are finally legal here in RI), and sunny skies, dips in the pool, flip-flops, cold watermelon, deliciousness cooking on the grill, and precious time spent with family and friends.
No presents, no obligations to buy the perfect gift, just a time together, relaxing and chillin'.
Here's a really terrific salad that would be great to take to a 4th of July celebration.
I don't really think this salad is "Asian" at all. I mean just cause you throw Oriental Ramen in it, does not make is Asian, but it is good. I substituted the broccoli slaw for the coleslaw mix that was in the original recipe. I also added in pumpkin seeds that I got in the bulk section at Whole Foods.
This is very similar to the famous "man salad" or "ramen salad" that everyone I know makes. I love the addition of the mandarin oranges and pea pods. Yum!
Crunchy Asian Pasta Saladadapted from a recipe at Betty Crocker.com1 box Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad classic pasta mix
1 pkg (3oz) Oriental flavored Ramen Soup Mix
3 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons white vinegar
2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 bag broccoli slaw
1 cup snow peas or sugar snap peas, cut on the diagonal into ½ inch pieces
1/4 - 1/2 cup sliced, toasted almonds
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
2 cans (15oz) mandarin oranges, drained
Empty the pasta mix into a pot of boiling water. Gently boil for 10 – 12 minutes. Drain, rinse with cold water and shake to drain again.
In a large bowl stir together the seasoning mixes from the pasta and the soup mix, sugar, oil, vinegar, water and soy sauce. Add the pasta and the remaining ingredients. Toss to combine.
Just before serving, coarsely crush the dry noodles from the soup mix and stir into the pasta mixture. Serve immediately or refrigerate.

I won't be in front of the computer much during the next week or so. I'll be scare for a bit while I prep for the 4th and then enjoy time with my in-laws
So will you all do me a favor this weekend? Pretty please.
Kick your feet up. Empty your mind from worries. Relax and enjoy. Connect with the people you love. Laugh...hard.
Remember these are the moment that make up your life. Cherish them.
Enjoy your 4th of July celebrations!