It was warm and sunny today. The perfect kind of spring day. What made it even nicer was that the farmers market opened last weekend. We headed out for our first visit of the season (more on that in another post).
On the way back we rode past a field of dandelions.
I love dandelions.

There is just something very magical about them to me.
Who doesn't like to blow into one and make a wish?
I don't really like them when there in their yellow flower state. I like them all whimsical and fluffy.
There were thousands and thousands of them in the field.
I really wanted to pick up every one and send all those dandelion parachutes into the air....but I think I would have run out of breath and passed out if I took on that challenge.

I also came across this little flower/weed. I have no clue what it is, but it looked pretty to me.

There were also tons of buttercups in the field too.
Every time I see one I instantly turn into a 7 year old and hold it under my chin.
Do you like butter???

Silly question.

On the way back we rode past a field of dandelions.
I love dandelions.
There is just something very magical about them to me.
Who doesn't like to blow into one and make a wish?
I don't really like them when there in their yellow flower state. I like them all whimsical and fluffy.
There were thousands and thousands of them in the field.
I really wanted to pick up every one and send all those dandelion parachutes into the air....but I think I would have run out of breath and passed out if I took on that challenge.
I also came across this little flower/weed. I have no clue what it is, but it looked pretty to me.
There were also tons of buttercups in the field too.
Every time I see one I instantly turn into a 7 year old and hold it under my chin.
Do you like butter???
Silly question.
I wish we could have a day without rain, but no rain means the flowers and veggies don't grow. I love your pictures!
i love dandelions too. i wish you could pick them like any other flower and put them in a vase for your house but alas...
Well... I love your PICTURES. And I like your dandelion philosophy.. I just don't want them in "my" yard.
I like them all whimsical and fluffy too. They remind me of my childhood.
Love all the photos.
I know that Italian use the green's of the dandelions to make wine. I also remember when I was ten yrs old, my brother who is four yrs older then me, said that I was a dandelion and I cried and said to my mom, he doesn't like me. She comforted me!
I love the dandelions too- but the green part. I posted on my blog why I like them and how I use them....we eat them.
My Grandmother always collected them and either cooked them of made them into a salad- and I thought she was nuts- and I told her I thought she was nuts!
...until of course I grew up and was luck enough to have a more matured palate.They are just as delicious and the dandelion greens the supermarkets sell only free!
Your photos are great! I love those puffy white wonders too!
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