I used Elise's recipe for Pâte Brisée All Butter Crust for Sweet and Savory Pies. I then researched for a plum filling and found one from Gourmet. It looked really simple:

This is my lasagna recipe. People really seem to like it. My husband adores it. I’m sure you have a favorite too….this is his.
Lisa’s Lasagna
Printable recipe
1 package lasagna noodles (I like Barilla or Ronzoni)
2 pounds ground beef or turkey or a mixture of both.
1 large onion, chopped
Large container whole milk ricotta cheese
2 eggs
Provolone cheese
Pecorino Romano cheese
Mozzarella cheese
Fresh chopped parsley
Dried oregano
Fresh chopped basil
Garlic, chopped – to taste. I use 5 – 6 cloves. We are garlic fiends. You can use less.
Sauce – I usually make my own sauce, but in a pinch jarred will do. You will probably end up using about 1 ½ - 2 jars.
I start my lasagna the way I start many dishes, by cooking up some onions and garlic in some good olive oil. I do a fairly large chop on the onions and then cook them in about 3 tablespoons of olive oil, just until they are translucent.
Cook the lasagna noodles in a large pot of boiling salted water until they are very, very al dente. DO NOT OVER COOK YER NOODLES! You will end up with very mushy lasagna if you do. I have often been tempted to try Ina Gartens method of just pouring very hot water over the noodles and letting them sit for 15 minutes, but I haven’t tried it yet.
In a large skillet with a few tablespoons of olive oil, cook the onions until they are soft and translucent. Add the garlic in for just a minute or so. Add the ground beef or turkey, or both and cook until meat is no longer pink inside. I usually take a colander and drain the mixture at this point. Set aside.
In a large bowl combine the ricotta, 2 eggs, Pecorino Romano cheese, and the herbs. Mix gently. I don’t measure any of the herbs. I just chop them up and kind of go with what looks good to me. Set aside.
The assembly:
I kind of make an assembly station for my lasagna making.
I line up, in this order…..the lasagna noodles, a 9x13 inch pan or a 10x15 inch pan. I just found the larger lasagna pan. I had been looking for one for years and I picked it up for $6.99! Bargain. Anyway, back to the line up. The noodles, the pan, then the sauce, the cheese mixture and finally the meat mixture. I start by putting a little sauce in the bottom of the pan. This prevents the noodles from sticking. Put down one layer of noodles, then spread on the ricotta mixture, a layer of mozzarella cheese, and on just one layer, I cover the surface with some Provolone cheese, and then some sauce. Repeat layers. I usually get 2 layers from one box. End with a sprinkling of mozzarella.
Cover with aluminum foil and heat in a 350-degree oven for 30 – 45 minutes, or until hot and bubbly. I give the foil a shot of cooking spray so it won’t stick. Place a cookie sheet under it in case of spills and bubble over! I remove the foil at the last 15 of cooking so the edges get nice and crunchy…the best part! Let sit for 15 minutes before cutting.
I usually serve this with a big salad and some garlic bread.
Oh I almost forgot #4!
4) It's super easy and quick to make.
I could really use some. First we had a heatwave for a week, now it's been pouring, and I do mean pouring buckets for 2 days. Yesterday at about 4pm it got so dark out that it looked like it was midnight. The skies opened up and there was just a sheet of water pouring from the sky. Thunder boomed so loud it shook the house. I thought it was going to crack open the roof and scoop us all up into the clouds. I love thunderstorms but this was damn scary.
Last night the storms continued but in a good way. A slow trickle of rain, thunder off in the distance, the flash of lightening across the sky. It cooled everything down and just the sound of it falling put us all in a melancholy mood for the evening. The electronics were unplugged and we all curled up with a good book and just sat in silence, reading and listening to the rain fall.
Jesse said to me "I hope we loose power".
"Why?" I asked
"Cause then we could light candles and lamps and play board games, it's cool"
I have to agree with him. It is cool when it happens. It kind of makes us all just take a step back from our hectic lives, detach from the electronic devices that sometimes rule our worlds and just enjoy each other. Enjoy being together. We break out a board game and all huddle around the big table in the living room and laugh and talk and just be.
Just be.
It's storming again tonight, so I need to get off this computer until it passes. I kind of hope the lights go out now too.
We have been in the middle of a heat wave for 6 days now. 6 hot and humid days. Living in the Ocean State has its perks, and it’s drawbacks. The humidity here can really drag you down. It makes it hard to breathe, hard to see and hard to enjoy the outdoors. For almost a week now we have been waiting until after sundown to go outside to water or pick veggies. This recipe was thrown together, and I do mean thrown together in about 10 minutes. It’s a nice cool and refreshing side dish.
Cannelli Bean Salad
2 cans of cannelli beans sometimes called Great Northern White Beans (I used one can of regular and one can of small white beans- Goya brand)
1 small red onion, finely chopped
½ can small black olives, chopped
fresh parsley, chopped
fresh basil, chopped
In a mason jar mix:
3 parts olive oil to 1 part fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
Shake it up, pour over beans, mix gently.
This dish tastes best if left to “soak” for a few hours, or overnight preferably.
Here's a really old post card of the Shore Dinner Hall.
Some Singer sewing needles. I had to knock the dirt outta the container.
A really rusty fishing reel. It was practically crunchy!
Three love nuts! One with the meat still in it! What a find! If you are unfamiliar with the love nut story you can catchup here:Love Nut Story.
All that stuff in just a few feet of dirt. Kinda makes me wanna go dig up some more of the yard to see what I can find.